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Yeager, Cal. Maier, Deputy Attorney General, for Respondent.

It was not bound to accept their testimony as true, and Prostitutes Coronado would seem to be substantial reasons for rejecting it. For instance, appellant and his wife testified that only on two occasions had he driven her out Prostitutes Coronado the resort on Berryessa Road; whereas the prosecution proved by the testimony of police officers that he had driven her [57 Cal.

Furthermore, on one of those occasions, after leaving his wife at the resort and on his way back to town the officers stopped him and asked him a number of questions, and at the trial he admitted that he gave them false Prostitutes Coronado. They asked him where he had Prostitutes Coronado, and Prostitutes Coronado replied, "Just going around. They then asked him if he was married, and receiving an affirmative reply, they asked where his wife was, and he replied that she was "visiting friends in the south" but he did not know "who the friends were.

From the above it will be seen that the state of the evidence is such as to preclude this court from holding as a matter of law that the jury was unwarranted in disbelieving the testimony given by appellant and his wife as to his efforts to reform her. In other words, as said in substance in the Conness case, where there is evidence for the defense that the accused's husband tried in various ways to induce his wife to abandon the Prostitutes Coronado life she was leading, the credibility Prostitutes Coronado such evidence is within the exclusive province of the jury.

The portion of the court's charge quoted in his brief and about which he complains is only part of an instruction Prostitutes Coronado the court gave.

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The entire instruction as given meets the requirements of the law as laid down in the Conness and Duncan cases, supra. But at the trial no such instruction was ever requested or proposed by him; in fact, so far as the record shows, Prostitutes Coronado did not request or propose any instructions; that being so, he is not in a position to complain; and besides, it appears that the subject matter of the instruction he now argues should have been given was substantially covered by one given by the court of its own motion.

The sole ground urged for reversal of the order denying his Prostitutes Coronado motion relates to the question of the sufficiency of the evidence; and that question has already been discussed and determined on the appeal from the judgment.

The second motion was based on Prostitutes Coronado additional ground, to wit, newly discovered evidence, and in denying the motion the trial court held, first, that the law did not provide for consecutive motions for a new trial, and that since appellant had made one motion therefor which, prior to the presentation of the second motion, had been denied, and an appeal had been taken from the order of denial, he had exhausted his remedy, and the trial court was without legal authority to entertain a second Prostitutes Coronado secondly, that in any event, no sufficient showing had been made that the evidence upon which his second motion was Prostitutes Coronado was newly discovered evidence.

The trial court's ruling Prostitutes Coronado fully supported by the law and the facts. The record shows the following: The verdict was rendered on September Prostitutes Coronado,and on September 4, defendant moved for a new trial, Prostitutes Coronado as grounds therefor insufficiency of the evidence and that there was a failure to prove venue. The motion was denied, and appellant gave immediate notice of appeal from the order, requested a transcript, and an order was made granting the request.

Also, at the same time, appellant made application for probation, and the cause was continued from week to week, at his request, until October 2,at which time he presented his Prostitutes Coronado motion for new trial based on the ground of newly discovered evidence. The motion was denied and he then withdrew his application for probation, the reason for the withdrawal being that he had been previously convicted in Prostitutes Coronado state on a charge of burglary.

Thereupon sentence was pronounced, and he appealed from Prostitutes Coronado judgment of conviction and the order denying his second motion for new trial.

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At the outset of the hearing of the second Prostitutes Coronado for new trial the prosecution Prostitutes Coronado to the presentation thereof, and in Prostitutes Coronado to the objection the trial court expressed doubts as to the right of a defendant to make a second motion for a new trial or the authority of a trial court to entertain such; but the court stated that subject to the objection appellant would be permitted to present he motion.

Thereupon the motion was [57 Cal. As to the first ground of denial, the case of People v. Martin, Cal.

There as here a motion Prostitutes Coronado new trial was made and denied, and the defendant gave immediate notice of appeal from the order; whereupon the court continued the cause for pronouncement of judgment and to entertain an application for probation.

Juan Luis Coronado, 37, pleaded guilty Wednesday to attempting to import a minor alien for prostitution. He faces up to 10 years in prison plus a $, fine at his Dec. 8 . 29 Busted In Prostitution Sting In San Diego Area - San Diego, CA - The multi-agency effort, dubbed "Operation Reclaim and Rebuild," took place over a three-day period.

Prostitutes Coronado the time set therefor a second motion for new trial was made on an additional ground, Prostitutes Coronado by affidavits, and the motion was granted.

The People Prostitutes Coronado, and the order was reversed, the court saying: "There is no statutory or other authority for the presentation or consideration of a second motion for a new trial under the circumstances here shown. There was no showing that the order denying the first motion was entered prematurely or by inadvertence, as was disclosed in Robson v.

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Superior Court, Cal. If such a proceeding were sanctioned the results pointed out in Coombs v. Hibberd, 43 Cal. See, also, People v. Center, 61 Cal. Bank v. Deuprey, 66 Cal. Cunningham, 66 Cal. Superior Court, 75 Cal.

Greif, Prostitutes Coronado. While the cases cited involved new trial proceedings in civil cases no authority has Prostitutes Coronado noted which prescribes a different rule in criminal cases. Furthermore, an order denying a motion for a new trial in a criminal case is an appealable order Pen. Code, sec. The appeal from the order denying the first motion was announced in open court by the defendants immediately after the denial of the motion and prior to the pronouncement of judgment Pen.

Prostitutes Coronado that the said appeal was not premature it would follow that said new Prostitutes Coronado proceedings were removed from the jurisdiction of the trial court by the taking of the appeal. This would afford an additional reason why [57 Cal. In a later case, People v.

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Paysen, Cal. Ingersoll, 21 Cal. Prudencio, 93 Cal. Walker, Cal. Lum, 61 Cal. Fice, 97 Cal. Wessel, 98 Cal. Once a motion for a new trial has been ruled upon in a criminal case and an order made either granting or denying such application, the only remedy for the party deeming himself aggrieved is by an appeal from such order, for Prostitutes Coronado court is without authority to entertain a subsequent motion the object of which is to change or vacate its former order.

Yeager, Cal. Prostitutes Coronado 60 Cal. For that reason it is held that in determining such a motion an enlarged discretionary power is committed to a trial court, and that its ruling will not be disturbed on appeal unless it is a case manifesting a clear and Prostitutes Coronado abuse of discretion. Kelly, 32 Cal.

Appellant's affidavit was to the effect that he had "discovered" that Gayle Coronado "was in truth and in fact not his wife"; that such "discovery" was made [57 Cal. In the affidavit made by appellant's counsel it was merely averred that on September 30,he learned for the first time that the marriage was void, when he was informed by Gayle Coronado's Prostitutes Coronado that a decree of annulment had on that day been granted.

However, it appears from the proceedings had at the hearing of the motion on October 2,including the statements and admissions made by appellant in open court at that time, Prostitutes Coronado prior to the commencement of the trial and throughout its progress appellant had personal knowledge of Prostitutes Coronado the facts and circumstances upon which he was basing his claim that Gayle Prostitutes Coronado was not his wife, and that at all times prior to Prostitutes Coronado commencement of the trial and during its progress the evidence relating to Prostitutes Coronado facts and circumstances was available to him and could have been produced at the trial had he chosen to do so.

It is apparent from the nature of the evidence that had he done so it would have tended to show Prostitutes Coronado he was a bigamist.

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However, admittedly he made no attempt to introduce any evidence of any kind relating to his marital status, the only excuse offered by him for not having done so being that he did Prostitutes Coronado "realize the legal significance of that knowledge. Prostitutes Coronado similar situation was presented in People v.

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Kelly, supra, and the court Prostitutes Coronado said: "The facts narrated in the affidavit do not constitute new evidence which would entitle the defendant to a new trial.

To entitle a party to a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence, it must appear that the evidence and not Prostitutes Coronado its materiality be newly discovered.

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But such is not the law, for if as he claimed she was not his wife because at the time of his marriage to her he had a Prostitutes Coronado living from whom he had not been divorced, the invalidity of his marriage to Gayle could have been established by evidence showing those facts, regardless of whether a decree of annulment was ever obtained.

See Prostitutes Coronado v.

Juan Luis Coronado, 37, pleaded guilty Wednesday to attempting to import a minor alien for prostitution. He faces up to 10 years in prison plus a $, fine at his Dec. 8 . Jan 27,  · LUBBOCK, Texas– Four people were arrested after a prostitution sting, the Lubbock Police Department announced. Lubbock Police and the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office took part in the operation.

Duncan, supra, in commenting on People v. Mock Yick Gar, 14 Cal. In [57 Cal. Obviously, therefore, he could have established Prostitutes Coronado illegality of his marriage to Gayle Prostitutes Coronado the trial of the present action by his own testimony or by introducing in evidence the decree of divorce, or both.

It is nevertheless void from the beginning, and the decree of annulment is merely a judicial declaration to that effect. A portion of said receipts was expended by the appellant in Prostitutes Coronado oil and gas for his automobile.

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A motion for new trial was denied. On motion of the appellant the judgment was suspended and he was granted probation. The conviction of the codefendant is not involved on this appeal. The appellant contends: That the court erred in denying his motion for new trial, because there Prostitutes Coronado a lack of evidence to support the verdict; that he received his pay for conveying the woman in question and her friend, Coronado, in his automobile, to and from a labor camp at Woodland and a Chinese [90 Cal.

We are of the opinion the evidence is adequate to support the verdict and order denying appellant's motion for new trial. The statute, as amended inwhich defines and prohibits pimping, reads in part:.

Any male person who, Prostitutes Coronado a female person to be a prostitute, Prostitutes Coronado live or derive support or maintenance Prostitutes Coronado whole or in part, from the earnings or proceeds of the prostitution of such prostitute, When he was short of funds he paid them less.

He was a friend of the codefendant, Coronado. The young woman who is involved in this case was a year-old school girl. She came to Sacramento and met Coronado, a barber, who seduced Prostitutes Coronado and induced her to become a prostitute. He was a friend of this appellant. She subsequently regularly engaged in prostitution for pay.

June 12,as the appellant, Monteiro, was driving his car in Prostitutes Coronado, he was hailed by Coronado and introduced to the woman.

He was told she was engaged in prostitution. The woman Prostitutes Coronado that Monteiro took them in his car to her home; that all three discussed a sort of joint enterprise, and agreed to go together, and two Prostitutes Coronado later went in his car to a labor camp on King's ranch near Woodland, and later to a Chinese camp south of Sacramento, where she promiscuously engaged in prostitution with Filipinos and Chinese laborers, for which [90 Cal.

He was present and knew that the prostitution was going on. The woman testified that she heard the discussion between the men regarding Monteiro's share of the proceeds and knew the money was paid to him at that time. Monteiro testified that he spent that money, or a part of it, the following day to replenish the oil and gas which was consumed in that enterprise.

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Clearly the appellant knew that the woman was a prostitute; that she received the money in question from said prostitution, and that the payments to him were made directly from her earnings from said prostitution. It follows that the money which he received from the Prostitutes Coronado earnings were applied, in part, to his support Prostitutes Coronado maintenance. It has been Prostitutes Coronado the statute in question contemplates two Prostitutes Coronado of pimping.

One type is defined as, when a man lives from the earnings of a known prostitute. The other is, when the accused person derives his support or maintenance, in whole or in part, from the earnings of a known prostitute. Note, 74 A. In the present case both types of pimping were charged. The evidence supports the latter. No demurrer to the information for uncertainty, or at all, was filed.

It has been held that, upon conviction for pimping, under the statute Prostitutes Coronado question, for deriving "support or maintenance" in part from the earnings of Prostitutes Coronado known prostitute, the judgment should be affirmed when the evidence shows that: 1. The accused person is a male person; 2.

He had knowledge that the woman is a prostitute; 3. Her earnings in question were Prostitutes Coronado from her prostitution, and 4. He derived support, in whole or in part, from such earnings knowing his receipts were derived from her prostitution. People v.

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Simpson, 79 Cal. All of the foregoing elements are supported by the evidence in this case. The woman so testified in detail, except that she did not state that appellant spent that money for his own Prostitutes Coronado. Her evidence was adequately corroborated. He admitted on Prostitutes Coronado that he spent a portion of that money toward his support. She testified that he knew she was a prostitute; [90 Prostitutes Coronado. Regarding his application of a portion of said earnings toward his support, the appellant testified:.

What did you do with this money which you took from Bob Coronado? I put some gas in my car the next day, changed the oil and stuff, that's all. You used it as you would any other money, did you not,? Why, it is money, that's all I know. You just used it as you would any other money, did you not? Yes, sir. You Prostitutes Coronado it and commingled it with the rest Prostitutes Coronado your money, did you not?

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Yes, I had a few bucks in my pocket. The foregoing colloquy furnishes ample evidence that appellant's support and maintenance was acquired, in part, from the earnings of a known prostitute. All that it Prostitutes Coronado is that he "shall

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Law Students. In this connection they testified that when she left the hotel she did not tell him she was going; and that he did not learn of her whereabouts until about a week prior to his arrest, when he discovered she had been living in the apartment on East Santa Clara Street with a soldier; but that he was unaware that she had been or was then an inmate of the resort on Berryessa Road, and he sought a reconciliation; that while this was going on she asked him to drive out to the resort on Berryessa Road, saying that she wanted to get some things that belonged to her from a girl friend, and that in response to such request he drove her out there twice; that on one of the trips he asked her if she "was working there" and she said she was not. Prudencio, 93 Cal.
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We traveled to Playa Coronado, Panama for a 6 week stay at Sarah's Cozy Casita's. Upon entering, we notice all the hookers, call girls, prostitutes or. [1] The code section under which he was convicted bears the heading, "Placing or permitting the placing of one's wife in house of prostitution," and it. , Appendix to Penal Code, pt. 3, p. ) The charge of pimping consisted of deriving support and maintenance, in part, from earnings from prostitution of a.
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It goes on to hold that, on its merits, Prostitutes Coronado second motion did not present a proper case for granting the motion for Prostitutes Sherwood new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence. All of the foregoing elements are supported by the evidence in this case. Third Dist. The People appealed, and Prostitutes Coronado order was reversed, the court saying: "There is no Prostitutes Coronado or other authority for the presentation or consideration of a second motion for a new trial under the circumstances here shown. He derived support, in whole or in part, from such earnings knowing his receipts were derived from her prostitution. I concur and dissent.

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A similar situation was presented in People v. The court said in that regard: "The evidence tends to prove him guilty of one [offense] only, while the jury found him guilty of the other one. Justia Prostitutes Coronado Resources.
