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Lewis 2. Aggregates migration flows and interactions are modeled by starting with a pool of rural potentials migrants that is affected by various factors in the decision to migrate. The rural control sub-system controls out flows eg family or community normsthe urban control sub-system controls inflow e. The environment and sub-systems are constantly changing, also as a result of the migration flows, which makes the system open and dynamic. However, many migrants especially wives and children, do not actually make the decision, The decision to migrate depends on a wide range of factors Hatton 2.

War, drought, pest invasion, Prostitutes Kamachumu and other catastrophes just to mention the few could force people to migrate. Castles Prostitutes Kamachumu they are not in a position to sustain their life through agriculture, where it is highly affected by environment condition, then they would prefer to migrate to urban areas and engage in non-farm activities Arango In many Prostitutes Kamachumu countries, rural poverty resulting from low agricultural income, low productivity and under employment as well as strain of farm work is pushing many migrants out of rural areas towards areas with greater employment opportunities Lewis Bakewell Nowadays, good governance is Prostitutes Kamachumu the concern of many governments at least in principle.

In the absence of popular democracy, political security, and rule of law, Prostitutes Kamachumu may feel insecure. Thus, they would prefer to migrate to urban areas, where the political consciousness Prostitutes Kamachumu be better in relative terms. Political factors such as the prevalence of civil war, conflicts among ethnic groups, discriminatory government laws etc.

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Stark Similarly, Selod argued that land scarcity due to increasing population pressure, unfavorable land tenure system, agricultural stagnation caused by faulty government policies, poverty, environmental crisis and the consequent famine and a set of many other related factors have in single or combination acted as forces pushing people from the rural areas to urban areas.

Attractive areas include mountains, sea side and warm climates. Migrants can also be pushed from their homes by adverse conditions. Water-either too much or too Prostitutes Kamachumu poses as an environmental threat. Many people are forced to move by water related disasters because they live in floodplains.

Floodplains are Prostitutes Kamachumu that are subjected to flooding during a specific number of years, based on historic trends. Lack of water pushes other from the land because of droughts.

Lee, In Kagera region Prostitutes Kamachumu is a powerful determinant of rural-urban migration; in the case of rural Kagera towns, that schooling increases expectations of new and modern urban life so that educated rural people are more prone to Prostitutes Kamachumu.

Although high cost of living in towns leads to reduced real rural-urban income differential yet it is attractive because, as Beegle found out in the case of Bukoba town, the opportunities for year-round employment in urban areas as against seasonal unemployment in rural areas is highly important. The role of information in facilitating rural-urban migration is also worth mentioning.

Impacts Prostitutes Kamachumu Rural to Urban migration 2. Thus there will be a rise in the unemployment and the underemployment rate in the urban areas as well as the rural areas.

Camarota 2. This goes Prostitutes Kamachumu long way to Prostitutes Kamachumu the amount of produce that can be produced to feed the whole nation.

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The fact that most developing nations rely on agriculture and primary production for their development means that a reduction in agricultural and other primary activities in the nation output and hence a low gross domestic product or national Prostitutes Kamachumu.

To this point, it is common to see most developing countries Prostitutes Kamachumu limited social amenities and infrastructure. This may include schools, roads, places of convenience, pipe borne water among others. As people troop from the rural to the urban, Prostitutes Kamachumu increase the usage of these limited amenities in the urban areas.

This leads to massive and quick deterioration Prostitutes Kamachumu the amenities. Also the increase in the population in the urban areas relative to a constant land area leads to overcrowding at a particular area and most especially the urban areas. Gmelch 2. It becomes a new story when their Prostitutes Kamachumu for employment becomes an illusion as there is no job to absorb them.

To make ends meet, most people who migrate to the rural areas resort to stealing, armed robbery, prostitution, "drug pushing" and as they cannot afford a decent house to buy, they Prostitutes Kamachumu in a particular place Prostitutes Kamachumu build houses made of wood, aluminum slate among others. Beegle 2. This leaves most rural areas in the developing countries almost the same in social setting over decades and jubilees. The feeble ones left at the rural areas cannot work to bring massive change which comparatively could be done by the energetic ones.

The government of Tanzania's initiates concerning the rural electrification project is a typical example concerning this point. Dasgupt 2. This should not just be the number of school built but also Prostitutes Kamachumu quality of teachers, the resources in the school like library, playing field, Prostitutes Kamachumu environment and even better structure of the school as far as building is Prostitutes Kamachumu. Gmelch, G. The fact that "rural" is poor means that these loans should not bear high interest rate.

Government should made available loans and credit schemes to the "rural" Prostitutes Kamachumu expand his farm, business and buy new crops. Again subsidies should be given on Prostitutes Kamachumu and basic farm inputs. Williamson 2. These industries would serve as a means through which the primary produce can be processed into semi or Prostitutes Kamachumu goods.

Also, the government can also help private investors. Et al 2. This is because provision of such opportunity can positively impact on the rural Prostitutes Kamachumu because they can embark on large scale plantation or commercial farming to increase yield and output and their income. This will make farming to both adult and youth in the rural area attractive hence limiting their desire to get to the urban centre for other employment opportunities.

Funds and material should be made available to trainees and those that are ready to initiate Prostitutes Kamachumu skills as a startup capital for their various jobs. This will be a source or motivation to establish themselves in the rural area and thus no incentive Prostitutes Kamachumu move. Camarota URT Census Kamachumu ward is bordered by Prostitutes Kamachumu, Itongo, Burembo and Katoma. On Northen side is bordered by Bugandaa and Kamilabara.

It is also experiencing an average of c temperature. The Ward experiences two main rain seasons. The heavy rainfall and March to May have short rains from October to December. Kamachumu ward receive Prostitutes Kamachumu average rainfall of mm to 2,mm per annum. During the rain seasons it usually rains only in the morning and it usually Prostitutes Kamachumu up being very nice day afterward.

Also they practice fishing perhaps at small scale due to the distance from the ward to the Lake Prostitutes Kamachumu. CreswellResearch design will be used in this study the design in this study allows data to be collected once at a single point in time that may be used in descriptive analysis and for determination of relationship between variables. Dustmann Both quantitative and qualitative information was collected so as to meet the Study Objectives. The study population included youth scattered in Bukoba town.

The study involved seventy eight Prostitutes Kamachumu 12 to 25 Prostitutes Kamachumu oldstreet chairman 1, respondent aged 31 to Youth Age 12 to 30 18 28 2. Street Chairman 1 2 3. Respondent Aged 31 to 67 45 70 4. Data Collection The migrants was identified with the assistance of a street chairman.

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In qualitative research a Chairman are uses to assist the researcher I Prostitutes Kamachumu access and developing trust with the community of study Hatch, The Street chairman and Research they had several conversations about the migration in Prostitutes Kamachumu. The family agrees, the Street chairman arranged the schedule visit with the families where I explained to them the Prostitutes Kamachumu of the study and what participation in this study entails.

The Prostitutes Kamachumu chairman was also present during that meeting. The data was collected in the forms of semi-structured interviews, a non-participant observation, collection of documents, and a reflective journal. The Street chairman was not present during the data collection phases of the study. The interview with the member community lasted forty-five minutes to one hour and was conducted in either their homes, where they founded or at work area and in the language they felt more comfortable with.

The interview with the migrants will lasted one to two hours and was conducted in the language of their preference. Also, during the interview, the researcher was taking down Prostitutes Kamachumu notes. Participants will be reminded to have break if they felt to do so.

They were also informed to protect their identity.

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The observation also allowed documenting Prostitutes Kamachumu either street chairman. The observation was conducted by a non-participant observer i.

Was carried out in either their homes or work places and lasted for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Much more that observation the migrants was asked Prostitutes Kamachumu portray out the exactly ways that were used in coming to town as well as the causes of asuch. For the purpose of data analysis, the document was Prostitutes Kamachumu and any identifiable information was be erased.

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The original documents was returned back to each. The development of questionnaires, Prostitutes Kamachumu interview and group discussion guide was also useful to triangulate the responses of sample migrants. The interview guide was set for migrants Prostitutes Kamachumu directly linked to some of the items set in the questionnaires. The researcher considered responses obtained from migrants on the same item through questionnaire, interview and group discussion guided reveal consistency Prostitutes Kamachumu responses.

This triangulation of responses helped the researcher to avoid the threat of bias that might be induced unintentionally. The group discussion was conducted with migrants in the town such as young, adult, elderly people of both sex and others who have expected to have accumulated knowledge about the income, patterns, causes and consequences of migrations in the study area.

Total numbers of individuals expected to involve in Prostitutes Kamachumu group discussion in the three streets were The process of transcribing allowed the researcher to become acquainted with the data. The study followed the multiple case study design where the data was analyzed case by case through thematic analysis and Prostitutes Kamachumu by cross-case analysis. Dustmann Thus, interviews, observations, documents, and field notes was analyzed for each case.

Following the case by case analysis, all themes were used to conduct the cross-case analysis.

Thus, they would prefer to migrate to urban areas, where the political consciousness might be better in relative terms.

Themes salient across all cases were kept as well as those that were extremely different. Prostitutes Kamachumu the statistical maps, charts and graphs was applicable so as to accomplish the research. Items Cost Transport 30, This chapter Prostitutes Kamachumu the results which were answered by the respondent in the field area; also the data is analyzed in percentages, table, graphs, photos and percentages.

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Demographic characteristic plays the vital role in critical collection of data from respondents which help in analyzes and discussions of variables. As far as age is concerned, a study conducted in Africa Prostitutes Kamachumu that most migrants both Prostitutes Kamachumu and across national borders are young adults aged However, the sex selectivity of migration is different Prostitutes Kamachumu different regions.

Migration propensities change with marital status. That is, the matter of being married, single, separate, divorced and widowed has an effect on the decision to migrate. Thus generally many of the migrants were unmarried at the time they migrated. This would mean that those who are better educated are Prostitutes Kamachumu more involved in different migration streams Prostitutes Kamachumu those who are not perhaps the verse versa.

That means pre Prostitutes Kamachumu occupation plays an important role for the decision to migrate. Thus in finding the better way of life from land, the environment in Prostitutes Kamachumu have been spoiled now and then, hence turn the land useless for human activities depending on filed for Prostitutes Kamachumu, production of rain fall, no more glasses for feeding of either domestic animals.

According to Mwl. This lead to fairule of get knowing what is going on in the world and like. Electricity it is only around town centre due to the presence of hotel Kamachumu inn and hospital Ndolage Hospital.

Among of the respondent were found gathering at one place reading even only the head line, at least the get something of today. One of the respondent Mr. And where will I get the money of paying bill. According to Mr. Ferdinandes Bainomugisha Street chairman. Similarly, Kebede argued that land scarcity due to increasing population pressure, unfavorable land tenure system, agricultural stagnation caused by faulty government policies, poverty, environmental crisis Prostitutes Kamachumu the consequent famine and a set of many other related factors have in single or combination acted as forces pushing people from the rural areas in poor countries.

Reasons for migration to urban centers in particular are more complex. For example, people of a certain Prostitutes Kamachumu may be Prostitutes Kamachumu off by poverty and other natural factor to move towards towns for employment. On the other hand, better employment opportunities or the need for better facilities in urban areas may also pull people to different urban areas.

In general, however, as to the causes of migration scholars conclude that migration is a response by humans to a series of economic and non-economic factors Lewis and Todaro 4. Most of the respondent were involving themselves in casual works, and they claimed that employment cannot real counted as the major Prostitutes Kamachumu because still they have the opportunities of involving themselves in other works like agricultures, machinga boys and alike without regarding their education level.

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From the research Prostitutes Kamachumu, many of the migrants are the energetic man who left behind either their farms and goes to town, thus lowering down the production as in Kamachumu village they depend much in agricultural activities. The remain such as adults and elders perhaps involving in a small scale agricultural activities, but steel they produce less.

Many plantations left idle hence become the bush. The problem with this generation of today, they want the easy things, tarmacked roads!!! For what?? My parents have nothing to do in Prostitutes Kamachumu because they are old Prostitutes Kamachumu.

Also my neighbor there, his son Karumuna used to make the bricks and earned much money, now where are they? Prostitutes Kamachumu, town, town!!!

Also some of them they said that even if they shift to town it is the same because even in town there is the same problems and in other area is more worse than in village.

We Prostitutes Kamachumu wait for the casual work. And if not.

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The government should provide the basic social services so as to soften their life. Source: Field Research Data Plate: 4. Also according to Gmelch In an attempt to Prostitutes Kamachumu congestion in urban school as well as some fortunate rural areas, there should be a policy that will lead to the improvement in the quality of education in the rural areas.

For example Kagera Prostitutes Kamachumu industry in Kyaka. According to Harris. Et al The government should also embark on the establishment of industries, factories and Agro businesses in the rural areas. Further, the government should build silos and other storage facilities into which farm produce would be bought directly from the farmer at a more competitive price and be stored in the storage to feed Prostitutes Kamachumu available industries and even for export.

Thus it is Prostitutes Kamachumu first to take them in school and there after the government ca think on establishing the industries. According to Camarota This research deals with the theoretical background of migration, review of literature, the nature of migrants, migration processes, the differential incidence of the rural push and urban pull factors and the consequences of migration and different aspects of socio-economic lives of the people in both Prostitutes Kamachumu areas of destination and origin.

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The dominant divorcer and widowers were females in at rural origin. Most of Prostitutes Kamachumu migrants had formal education. A greater number of Prostitutes Kamachumu were either students, farmers, casual workers, unemployed before they migrate to Bukoba town. Most migrants moved basically for economic reasons such as Prostitutes Kamachumu employment, job transfer, to open up or extend personal business, to gain education and training services.

The main determinants are land degradation and deforestation, political freedom, political strategic, over urbanization, environmental, education opportunities, income differential, easy access of information.

Lack of water pushes other from the land because of droughts.

Most of the migrants have improved their working condition, Prostitutes Kamachumu, education, schooling of dependents, access to Prostitutes Kamachumu transportation and health care. In general, for most of them their general living condition has improved.

However, the problem of housing, lack of employment opportunities and sufficient consumption goods, rising cost of living, inadequate social services and others are major problems that migrants are facing.


Thus, the overall effects of rural-urban migration in the town are discouraging and hence the following recommendations are suggested to solve some of the socio-economic problems of both the places of origin and destination. Because of the above, rural people are compelled to migrate. Prostitutes Kamachumu, there is the Prostitutes Kamachumu for integrated rural development strategy to increase agricultural production by increasing rural labor productivity though improving farm technology, increasing farm inputs such as fertilizers, mechanization, insecticides, adequate agricultural extension services, price incentives and improve access to financial credit and market facilities.

Therefore, provision of different social services such as better medical Prostitutes Kamachumu, education, infrastructure, water and electricity to the rural areas may reduce the amount of flow of population to urban centers. Since poverty is a pronounced rural Prostitutes Kamachumu, migration from Prostitutes Kamachumu areas is tied to the income gap between rural and urban areas. When growth is balanced between them through viable regional planning strategies for the mutual development of the towns and their hinterlands Prostitutes Kamachumu different hierarchical scales it is recommended that it will check or slow down the rural outflow.

From the field of study Kamachumu village, the researcher found a lot of hardship in all aspects such as economic, political and social as the natives are suffering much from asuch. Emigration Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa. International migration. Special Issue: Emigration Dynamics in Developing countries, vol. Arango, J. Explaining Migration: A Critical View. Bakewell, O. Prostitutes Kamachumu Them in Their Place: the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa.

Prostitutes Kamachumu Migration Institute, University of Oxford. Beegle, K. Bilsborow, R. E, et. Castles, S. The Age of Migration, Fourth revised and updated edition. Creswell, J. Dawson, C. Prostitutes Kamachumu J. Faini, R. London: CEPR. French, Howard, W. Late Edition East Coast. New York, N. Griffiths, B. In Gugler ed. The Urbanisation of the Third World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Prostitutes Kamachumu, A. Migration, livelihoods and institutions: contrasting Prostitutes Kamachumu of migration in Mali.

Labour Mobility and Rural Society. Harbison, S. Migration Decision Making. Jong and R. New York, Pergamon Press. Harris, J. Migration, unemployment and development: A two sector analysis. American Economic Review Washington, D.

C: Office of Urban Development. Hatton, T. New York: Oxford University Press. Hoddinott, J. Hornby, W. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Migration and urbanization in Ethiopia. Selod, et al. Lee, E. Kefyfitz edDemography, Vol.

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The model is a creative adaptation of the world systems model in which Mabogunje asserts that rural-urban migration in Africa Prostitutes Kamachumu controlled by systematic interrelationships of rural-urban control systems, rural-urban adjustment mechanisms, and the Prostitutes Kamachumu or negative flow of information about migration. Most of the migrants have improved their working condition, income, education, schooling of dependents, access to urban transportation and health care.
