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Tips that come from the hotels sometimes have to do with women coming from outside of Europe. It is well known that the department had problems with the budget.

Eive Stenvall, director of Quality hotel, says that this has led to the staff being more alert, so they can tip off the police if something suspicious is Prostitutes Lulea. Stenvall says some of the things they've learned to look out for are whether a room is getting an unusual amount of traffic, if a guest does not want the room to be cleaned, and if a guest doesn't want anybody going Prostitutes Lulea the room.

Per-Olov Anderson, with the police, says that they regularly get tips about sex trade happening in Norrbotten, even though there is no certain information about just how widespread it is.

In general, hotels don't want to admit if they suspect prostitution is going on within their walls, Prostitutes Lulea there are exceptions.

The CEO Prostitutes Lulea a hotel chain wrote in a mail to Swedish Radio that they have noticed this activity to a certain extent, and have gotten in Prostitutes Lulea with the police in those cases. It's very Prostitutes Lulea that police in Norrbotten succeed in convicting someone from sex trade crimes, but Andersson hopes that collaborating with the hotels will lead to more arrests and prosecutions. He says one hope is that with the help of tips, the police will be able to react faster and catch people in time.

You know what else I have? Emails from B to S from up to June where she sounds very grateful and happy to have S as her supervisor. Definitely NOT as a student who is desperate to get rid of her supervisor. Ask B if I can share those, then I can provide some quotes, in Russian original. But I see plenty of problems with the allegations you make and I have pointed to some easily verifiable facts and also ask you to provide support for your claims.

Seriously, the way you respond Prostitutes Lulea me should make everyone doubt Prostitutes Lulea much everything you Prostitutes Lulea ever written. For the record, I am none of those involved, but I know a bit about the problems at the department.

Of course he is the point of contact once the prefect has hired B. P prior to the acceptance letter you posted.

The latest version has some information relevant to the case. For all I know she might be crazy and manipulative as hell. Good, so you agree W recruited B, and that B was very happy with S as her supervisor until summer What happened then? Hence new study plan, new supervisors Prostitutes Lulea. If you have any documents you want me to see, send them over. Otherwise: Do you notice that your claims are being debunked one by one? Hooray Leonid! The document Prostitutes Lulea am referring to mentions only S, prof.

P Prostitutes Lulea the authorized signatures by appointment of the prefect. It could be W who did the initial Prostitutes Lulea, I do not know, but this is not what I said, and it is not what Prostitutes Lulea documents said. You are the so called independent journalist making claims, you request the documents yourself. If S is unwilling to Prostitutes Lulea them, email registrator ltu. While at it, you may want to ask if there is any documentation of Prostitutes Lulea recruitment like an ad, a prior scholarship or a collaboration agreement with another university.

I dont know about the recruitment, but when it comes to the rest, you have Prostitutes Lulea proven anything. What it appears to be about Prostitutes Lulea me is one associate professor S resigninh in anger because she can no longer take credit for a PhD she supervised. As much as Prostitutes Lulea did supervise and was indeed repsected, somethng apparently happened late I do not know what and you dont seem to care.

What claims have I mad and whar have you debunked?

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I pointed you towards documents preceding the only document you posted, which by the way os the standard fprmulation, sent to everyone.

The head of department and the closest reposible manager are mentioned. In this case it happens to be W. Have you even tried to critically assess the story served Prostitutes Lulea you by S? When it comes to serious allegations like the ones you make, the Prostitutes Lulea of proof is on you. I have been trying to highlight gaps in the story, but apparently you are Prostitutes Lulea interested.

Not hearing both sides of a story is just shitty journalism.

Now they're from the Baltic states or Africa , and have sold sex in other countries as well.

For others, an explanation how journalists obtain information. They get info from either documents, or institutional statements, or named sources whom they Prostitutes Lulea keep Prostitutes Lulea.

No sane journalist takes information from some utterly anonymous source who is most obviously directly involved and spews open hatred against the whistle-blowers, and most importantly, who refuses to support their claims by objective evidence.

So far LTU Prostitutes Lulea utterly silent, all my emails go unanswered even if I update them about these commentsand yet we already have two different Prostitutes Lulea members posting anonymous comments discrediting whistleblowers. I am tempted to believe this happens in agreement with the LTU leadership, because the alternative explanation would be that they all are too drunk to notice what is going on.

Thats just confirmation of the cover up and what Prostitutes Lulea exposed. I have seen this 10s of times. Well, no. The university has, as far as I am aware of, not responded to any request for Prostitutes Lulea, which Mr. Schneider interprets as confirmation of the story. An Prostitutes Lulea I think is wrong to make.

The financial problems started years ago, and Prostitutes Lulea W. I would not so far as to call it bullying. As of the recruitment of Ms. B, I have no insight, but I know for sure the financial problems are not due to one or more PHD students being recruited.

There are rules for recruitment, which must be followed. According to Prostitutes Lulea Swedish rules there must be open position and the best of applicants should get it. The employing of B was an act of heavy corruption since it was done without opening position and without any competition. Moreover, it was aggravated by the fact that B directly became a lover for Chair W. Chair W. He also is known as one who put his name as Prostitutes Lulea main supervisor for a number of PhD theses in PURE math, where he did not understand anything.

I can tell you we are some who will hunt this kind of shit down, its a disease and attack on SCIENCE itself which will not be tolerated. I dug around the internet and I think Ive identified the major Prostitutes Lulea. What is interesting to me is that B and S are authors on several papers with B first, S last, in sort of the standard apprentice- master relationship Prostitutes Lulea order on the paper.

I think its pretty common for a first author to have little intellectual contribution to a paper at least in the natural sciences if they are doing the experiments. Maybe its different in math. Of Prostitutes Lulea, the only thing was pretty sordid and it is outrageous what happened to the faculty involved. Chalk another one up to male testosterone and young attractive women from exotic lands.

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I had some fun investigating the actual names of B, W and S. To my disappointment I could not find pictures of B, to confirm whether she is a Bimbo or not… sigh…. In my opinion, at my institution, if some gets a tenure track position outside of the regular national search and due to knowing someone powerful and not having a great publication record, its usually a very attractive woman. Maybe different in other places, of course….

I also faild in finding a picture online, but I can confirm she is a very pretty young woman, not that it has anything to do with what is being discussed here. We should be above that! Also, is there any evidence supporting that the recruitment of Ms B was in violation of the regulations? I know Prof. Schneider, just out of curiosity, how have you verified that Ms.

B and Chair W. Making such serious allegations about corruption and overall inappropriate behaviour, you need to provides Prostitutes Lulea independent sources that can verify these claims. I mean just a 5 years old Prostitutes Lulea that learned how to use Google, could find who is W, B, S just based on the university name and their mathematics department. I mean why Prostitutes Lulea I mean a 5 years old kid again would guess after this harsh abuse, the only thing will remain undone is getting rid of S as soon as possible, no Prostitutes Lulea how Prostitutes Lulea when.

Careful Mike, you went from laughable to abusive. Towards a woman. Last warning, see comment policy. Where I used her female identity to abuse her?

That void could be anyone, just a human, no matter male or female. Here is clear there is somebody who is in power the chair who is abusing these powers illegal under swedish law. It actually happened similar story or stories here in US when my best friend was studying for his biostats MS in a not too bad university in southern Prostitutes Lulea of US.

The department chair somehow brought a Russian or some other east european regions young Prostitutes Lulea to the Prostitutes Lulea first as a visiting scholar.

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Then she decided to stay in US. So she started to offer course sbut no students trusted her enough to sign up. So the chair decided to Prostitutes Lulea, forcing every single student to sign up on her course.

Later they two turned to be lovers, extramarital or not, I forgot. I believe that in many places in US universities, things like this happened, one way or another. I personally witnessed 2 cases in addition to the above story from my best friend. All these cases involved a male chairperson and a much younger female junior faculty or postdoc wanting to remain in the department. The 2 cases I witnessed involved a young lady from China and another one is a local American. If they really go through the formal selection route, none would have been able to get their positions.

The age difference Prostitutes Lulea their male supporters? I think that Mr Schneider, having documents from S, should ask her about a permission to put them here. As I already Prostitutes Lulea, I know about the situation, and all PhD students from abroad knew about it. I think that S should agree to put Prostitutes Lulea everything she has, in order to clarify the situation.

B was indeed a weak PhD student in Russia, and she finished full time PhD study there without success, she Prostitutes Lulea not produce even one journal paper. That time B worked somewhere in Russia, not at a university.

From LTU side there were S and the other two mentioned Prostitutes Lulea. All they were Prostitutes Lulea at that time. Of course W used two others and put his name to their papers as well as to papers of some other their collaborators, doing nothing himself in those papers.

I do agree with Mike, they should not do it. But unfortunately, such behavior of Chairs as W is not rare nowadays. We do not know what drove her to it.

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Then, inW did Prostitutes Lulea trick and he actually replaced that permission of by the contract with salary, posted here by Mr Schneider. BUT such contracts, in Sweden, may be got only via open position and Prostitutes Lulea. Violation of these rules is regarded as an act Prostitutes Lulea a corruption. As a Prostitutes Lulea, B and W became lovers. B was twice full time PhD student, in two countries, i. Only papers she has are those which were done by S.

But what we can do, there are robberies in life, so one must be careful and not go to those places where the danger of being robbed incites. It seems to me that LTU is one of such places. Mr Schneider, please consider the matter of publishing of all Prostitutes Lulea, try to convince S that it is important.

Sadly, you got my name wrong. Need a pair of reading glasses? I am starting to become quite irritated reading these comments. You Prostitutes Lulea are absolutely wrong in your assumptions. It turned out that she professor S is pretty much unsuited to work as teacher and PhD supervisor and therefore she started all this mess. You obviously have no idea what was going on at LTU and I really wonder what is driving you?

This really smells vendetta long way, everyone that knows professor P knows that he will do everything be can to discredit everyone that did him wrong in his opinion. I can also imagine that you get your information from one Austrian professor, a friend of P and a person that also had his ego diminished in this process.

And who are you P E L? Seems like you have an interest in trying to cover this stuff up. You shall Prostitutes Lulea that when the lawyers come in you guys will be kicked out most likely, your careers are over…there more you try to discredit the facts the more deep you will sink in your own crap.

When asked for facts and evidence, Mr. Schneider keeps obsessing over the fact that some commnters have chosen to to protect their identity. For someone keen to be listened to, Ken, it is not appropriate to leave a made-up fake email address. I presume you are just Robin in new disguise, after Robin said goodbye. Your posts lack novelty and are just repetitive and content-free, probably like your research papers.

Come back when you grow some, W. It looks like this university is just a kind of Sodom and Gomorrah. It would be good to make a request to high officials to check also the process of hiring at the end ofwhen S Prostitutes Lulea her position. InW announced one open position. CV of S was one of the most advanced and both reviewers put S in first place. BUT W and the prefect employed Prostitutes Lulea applicants, S and J a friend of Wdespite the fact that only one position was opened.

Now Robin and PEL, who know everything at the level of all documents, claim that W employed S by some reason related to love relations. Interesting version: corruption, love relations around of the same W — indeed Sodom and Gomorrah look just a standards of high morality, in comparison with LTU.

At the same Prostitutes Lulea, Robin, who knows everything, claims that financial problems started much earlier than Prostitutes Lulea employed Prostitutes Lulea without funds for that, in Perhaps the employment of two in one open position caused a financial crisis, in ? Thus, it Prostitutes Lulea that inthe position was opened specifically in order to employ J, and W used S with her strong CV for this since J could not take first place in ranking, with his CV poor in comparison with some of other applicants.

So S was employed with the Prostitutes Lulea of subsequently firing her since her affiliation was the shortest in the department.

Bravo W and Prefect! It seems that S was used twice in the corruption schemes of W and Prostitutes Lulea first to employ J, i. But the question is: how to do it? W and his lover B found a very simple way: to cheat the Prostitutes Lulea, by lying that S mistreated B and convince Prefect to dismiss S from the supervisor, and then fire. But S rebelled and there appeared a scandal instead of quiet cynical vaudeville.

The last news: I learned that S will publish letters of B to her and her ones to B, by the advice Prostitutes Lulea her lawyer. She must do this in order to protect her name from lies and slanders which B, W and his friends circulate about S. The irony is that this was before summer vacations, but directly after the vacations S was dismissed from supervisor.

Prostitutes Lulea to train your brain otherwise Alzheimer can totally destroy the remainder of it. Second, and this is Prostitutes Lulea S was NOT fired. S resign, in a perfelty clear resignation letter, in anger over being removed as a supervisor.

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Third, a head of division does not hite anyone, the prefect does. The chair professor, in this case W, should pf course be involved in how the team is built Prostitutes Lulea is therefore naturally a Prostitutes Lulea of the rcruitment team. I do not know who J is, but if the masking is done as cleverly Prostitutes Lulea in the original article, thee ar two younger men with first names starting with J.

Prostitutes Lulea is a statistician, which means it should be tje other one. To clarify, financial issues have been more related to research than to teaching. The division relieas heavily on undergraduate teaching and to do research external money needs to come in. Hi Robin, welcome back. What happened to Ken, and more importantly, PEL? Anyway, maybe you missed the update to this article. And how does teaching work when you lost 3 faculty members?

I guess Ms B took over their roles?

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Well that is clever. I know what I know because I used to work there, lets just leave it at that. Prostitutes Lulea, at LTU, and possibly also other Swediah universities, there is little or no Prostitutes Lulea money specifically marked for research.

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E whines about this fact, several years ago. There is a small grant for the chair professor, and the research group gets a small. Prostitutes Lulea of this is anyones personal money, Prostitutes Lulea is fpr the group to share in the best posibel way. When it comes to Prostitutes Lulea teaching most groups do not have classes to teach enough to cover everyones salary completly. Instead most professors as well as lecturers take on other tasks as well to cover their cost.

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So the total cost for salaries in a group is definitely linked to the ampunt of teaching available, in tje sense that teaching is ONE of Prostitutes Lulea things we can do to cover our cost. Most do not teach OR do research, they do both. The constant struggle of finding money to cover my own salary is part of the reason I no longer Prostitutes Lulea there. So with the couple Prostitutes Lulea resigning and S resigning, the rest of the group gets to share whatever resources remains, uncluding teaching load.

Convenient, yeah I guess. Corrupt or using feudal principles, still see no evidence of that.

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I suppose tjis means the reimaning people will have Prostitutes Lulea teach more and have less time for research. If that still is not enough, maybe they need to hire. I do not know of a prvious attempt at a PhD by B. I dont see why that is even important. S and P both signed the admittance papers at LTU, they are fully capabel of judging a candidate. The employment came later, right? I also shared a document now embedded in text where you can see B requested for Prostitutes Lulea to be replaced with her lover W as supervisor, which was approved by Prefect Kassfeldt who, as I Prostitutes Lulea already, knew of the Prostitutes Lulea between W and his student.

I am working to procure more documents. According to the higher education ordinance, a PhD student who requests Prostitutes Lulea change of supervisor shall be allowed to do so. The head of the department then has no choice but to grant the Prostitutes Lulea. This is Prostitutes Lulea verifyable fact. The head of department does not, obviously, have to appoint the new supervisor suggested by the syudent, but will have to replace with someone.

She chose to appoint W. Again, the supposed relationship between B and W is not the point here. The point is that you have claimed that S was fired in order to be able Prostitutes Lulea hire B. I still do not see any evidence of that.

You do. I Prostitutes Lulea not even sure what you Prostitutes Lulea I am claiming. I am simply explaining why what you have shown so far does not prove what uou claim it does. Regarding identity, I am not hiding it from you only, but I am hiding it nonetheless and will continue yo do so.

My current employer may not appreciate me getting myself Prostitutes Lulea. What LTU thinks does not concern me. Ah, not so fast Robin. Apparently it was not just a whim of bored B which LTU had to follow unquestioned. Also, Robin, I warned you to stop inventing identities, or I will moderate your comments. You are hiding from me, not from your employer, who is perfectly aware of what Prostitutes Lulea are doing here. You spoke bollocks, Robin. While the law entitles a PhD student to change supervisor this does not mean that the PhD student can freely choose another supervisor.

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Other circumstances should be taken into account according to Swedish Higher Education Authority. I will then give the link to that. There, in LTU, S was robbed in the sense Prostitutes Lulea what was done by S was alienated and given to others who Prostitutes Lulea nothing and even are not aware at all in the topics of the papers done by S.

Prostitutes Lulea, with your attitude will never understand it. It just remains to pity all of you from LTU. That admittance followed the rules. BUT the contract that W and Kassfeldt gave to B inwould have been regarded as done with violation of the rules, even if His Majesty the King of Sweden would have signed a letter of admission to B. Prostitutes Lulea, Robin, should already stop juggling the facts.

You refer to higher education ordinance but playing that you do not understand this difference. Rector also refers to higher education Prostitutes Lulea. But there is no written that supervisor must be changed if PhD student asks to do it just because everything for thesis is done by the successful supervisor and the student simply wants to stay longer as PhD student in Sweden.

The higher education ordinance gives the student the unconditional right to change supervisor.

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En av dem ska utses till huvudhandledare. What it does not, and I never claimed this, is to give the student the rigjt to chose the new supervisor. This is for the university to do. The target was for a professor who has examined and participated in the handling of employment and funding assignments concerning a doctoral Prostitutes Lulea with whom he had a more than temporary sexual relationship. The district court found Prostitutes Lulea the professor in all of the cases in question was disqualified and sentenced him for service errors to 50 daily fines.

According to the district court, the violation of the rules of indignation Prostitutes Lulea appeared to be serious and liable to lead to great detriment to the general public.

There in the document under the above presented link, are other interesting cases in that document. Why is it you respond to everyone Prostitutes Lulea critical questions or suggesting you might have gotten some facts wrong, Prostitutes Lulea being rude? I read through all comments above and I can not see that you answered a single question from anyone.

Rather, you questioned their reasons for asking or their motives simply since they wish to stay anonymous.

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Any serious journalist should investigate Prostitutes Lulea, digging deeper, not confronting anyone questioning the story by name calling. When reader point out flaws or questionable claims, it is YOUR responsibility to Prostitutes Lulea your claims. You have done nothing of sorts. HER claims should Prostitutes Lulea fact checked. Gosh all these fake identities with scrambled IP addresses from behind Tor get annoying. The Prostitutes Lulea message here is that LTU decided to reply by trolling, and delegated someone maybe W, maybe a colleague to do the dirty job.

Grown up people, professors, behave like stoned teenagers. Unless you think you speak better Russian than I do. I thought this was only in american R1 research universities, and the europeans were above this.

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Then again, I guess she could be deeply attracted to Chair W Prostitutes Lulea to his position of authority. Yes, because I see all of the BS that occurs in the upper echelons of academia, I will Prostitutes Lulea a bitter man.

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How could B describe that story? Just guessing. Instead I was approached by the Head of Department who asked for sexual favours and demanded gratutide for his help. He explained me that women in Science can make a career only Prostitutes Lulea supported by old powerful professor. I tried Prostitutes Lulea find support from supervisor but she was so much afraid to loose her job.

She wad ready to do whatever he asked, even to write papers herself instead of teaching me how to do that.

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