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Qualitative research for education. These individuals Prostitutes Gaya not describe themselves as being sexually addicted; sex was means to a desired end. Among the various types of qualitative methodology Creswell,we designed the present investigation as a phenomenological research study.

Very much so. I feel ashamed and I don't feel clean. I feel dirty. People look at me when I'm walking down the street and people look at me; even if I'm Prostitutes Gaya doing it that day, I still Prostitutes Gaya like people think that things about me. I don't like that no more.

In addition to feeling immoral after taking Prostitutes Gaya in prostitution behaviors, many participants described making an effort to distance themselves, both mentally and emotionally, from potential clients when coming into contact with them.

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Some women hope to prevent feeling unclean by reportedly exercising a tactic of psychologically detaching themselves during their prostitution behaviors. These women described using mild forms of psychological dissociation in order to protect themselves from the emotional pain that results from turning-a-trick.

Prostitutes Gaya I don't enjoy it. I feel low. I feel Prostitutes Gaya, I mean. When I trick, prostitute, however you want to put it, I'm in my own world. Prostitutes Gaya participants find it difficult to mentally remove Prostitutes Gaya from the situation, and therefore employ a different tactic: remaining emotionally Prostitutes Gaya, evidently in order to channel their hatred toward prostitution behaviors.

In this method, women described desiring desire to know as little about the client as possible. The women seemingly hope to make no affective connection with the person, so that their behaviors seem less of a reality to them.

Kelly, for example, illustrated these simultaneous feelings of hatred and detachment:. Yeah, I hate it [prostitution]. It sucks. I don't like anything about it. You just, you just think, speaking personally… you try not to look at someone. You don't want to know their name.

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You just want to do what you gotta do and go. Although indicating a disdain for street-level prostitution, almost all of the participants described feeling as though they were addicted to the prostitution lifestyle. When using this term, however, they did so in a common-use of the word, not in a psychiatric sense of experience physiological or psychological dependence. Obviously, this finding seems paradoxical, since the women indicated disliking prostitution behaviors and the resultant humiliation it entailed for their lives.

Two particular sub-themes emerged relating to the women's psychological addiction to prostitution's lifestyle. First, women commonly reported being involved with a Prostitutes Gaya and unhealthy lifestyle. Amanda, for example, shared the sentiments of most participants in this regards:. I hate it [prostitution], but I Prostitutes Gaya the lifestyle. I feel like that's my family out Prostitutes Gaya.

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I have [a natural] family, but I don't associate with them because the lifestyle I choose. But sometimes I hate it. I'm tired I want to go to sleep. I come to jail, I hate it but it's like I'm addicted to the lifestyle. So, people think it's just the drug use but it's not.

It's an addiction to the lifestyle, too. Furthermore, participants cited the excitement and flexibility of the lifestyle as contributing factors Prostitutes Gaya what they perceived as being a psychologically addicting Prostitutes Gaya.

The women reported enjoying the ability to work when and where they wanted, choosing their own clients. Additionally, participants reported having the perception that people on the street were their family, although, in reality, the women knew this percept did not square Prostitutes Gaya reality. A combination of these perceived constructs led many of the women to Prostitutes Gaya prostitution as both exhilarating and the rush they feel as part of their activities ultimately works against leaving the lifestyle.

Prostitutes Gaya, for example, described the gust she routinely feels as a result of her lifestyle:. What's enjoyable? The thrill. Just, I don't know. However, they did not describe themselves as being sexually addicted or undergoing tolerance and withdrawal when the participants discontinue prostitution for time periods. Consequently, they did not meet the medical criteria for being addicted to prostitution in the sense of a formal psychiatric disorder.

A second sub-theme that emerged among participants regarding prostitution's psychological addicting lifestyle was that programs should be implemented specifically to treat the problem.

Participants shared their beliefs that addictions to drugs when this occurred and the prostitution lifestyle needed separate treatment in order to aid in the effective exiting of the Prostitutes Gaya. Participants indicated the necessity of such programs by sharing that, recovering Prostitutes Gaya various drug addictions would not aid Prostitutes Gaya their ability to overcome their perceived entrapment to the prostitution lifestyle.

Kelly, for example, captured many of the women's desire to treat feeling hooked into the Prostitutes Gaya. You know, these girls they come in here with just a slap on the hand and go. They're not going to learn that way. I don't know. You know what I mean? Does this sound stupid to you? The women in our study Prostitutes Gaya themselves wedged in a prostitution lifestyle from which they find it very difficult to Prostitutes Gaya walk away.

In some cases the prostitute is at liberty to determine whether she or he will engage in a particular type of sexual activity, but forced prostitution and sexual slavery does exist in some places around the world.

They know that drug addictions are challenging to overcome without special assistance and suggest that a formalized treatment program, with structured behavioral interventions such as AA or NA use, would be beneficial Prostitutes Gaya them. Women in this study Prostitutes Gaya conveyed hopes of exiting Prostitutes Gaya lifestyle altogether.

These were indicated to be reasons for desiring to change their lifestyles. Participants seemingly did not envision spending the rest of their lives on the streets and engaged in the prostitution. Rather, they aspired to depart from their current lifestyle and live as a functional unit of society.

I just hope I can say something to help somebody else. I've had many ass whoopins. I've been hit in the face with a baseball bat, my eye popped out, and Prostitutes Gaya had five reconstructive surgeries… I hope I said something to help someone else. You know, I needed Prostitutes Gaya. I needed to talk. You helped me; I'm done with this [prostitution].

Additionally, most women reported having the desire to change their lifestyles, but they also were unsure whether they could do it alone or even how even to begin the process.

Participants shared they did not adequately know how to exist among the rest of society, the prostitution was the predominant lifestyle they had known during their adult years. For this reason, interviewees expressed feeling unable to Prostitutes Gaya the lifestyle without outsides resources such as family and some type of formal exit program.

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Donna, for example, shared her great hope, but recognized her need for help from others:. Like my Prostitutes Gaya, I feel good spirits with Prostitutes Gaya, so I know they'll probably help me this time. I've been in treatments Prostitutes Gaya every counselor I would get I wouldn't feel good spirits or nothing. You know, they didn't know nothing about me, and they were rude-nasty for real.

But I'm going to be alright this time. I want to help people.

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I need to get well first and then I should be able to do it, but I need help. I can't do it by myself. Other participants, who also wanted to change, did not have as much hope as Donna and explained that Prostitutes Gaya did not know how to accomplish such Prostitutes Gaya mammoth goal as recalibrating their lives. Amanda, for example, captured the uncertainty felt by these women:. I want to [clean up], It's just I don't know where to start.

And I want to try, but it's hard. These participants were not able to picture their lives apart from prostitution, despite the fact that they seemingly possessed cogent desires to exit the lifestyle. Formal programming was indicated to be a perceived need in order to help the women in our sample make the connections needed for Prostitutes Gaya their goals.

Although social support likely existed around them in various ways, the participants expressed an explicit desire for participation in scheduled planning through social services to help them overcome what they described as besetting habits and lifestyles.

In fact, participants surprisingly recounted instances of severe abuse with relatively little emotion. Temporary detachment had been implemented by our participants as regular means of coping with their daily stresses.

Professionals working with women who are similar to individuals in our sample should give due consideration to those dynamics when writing treatment plans and seeking to amend participants' negative behavior patterns. That is, Prostitutes Gaya women turning from prostitution hope to fully recover, then they likely will need to re-condition themselves against this Prostitutes Gaya ingrained tendency of emotional detachment.

The purpose of the study is to Prostitutes Gaya phenomenological perspectives of the research participants, from the vantage points of their own words, Prostitutes Gaya, and perceptions. By way of commentary on the findings, the Prostitutes Gaya did not Prostitutes Gaya themselves as being sexually addicted, Prostitutes Gaya the sense of a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis. They wanted out — but struggled to achieve the freedom they desired.

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No dependence, tolerance, or withdrawal existed as is common with addiction from a formal medical perspective. The women did not speak of being sex addicts and they generally did not enjoy engaging in the sexual acts for hire.

To the research participants, being addicted to their respective lifestyles meant that they felt trapped in a Prostitutes Gaya that they found difficult to escape. At the study's outset, we did not approach the research design to explicitly examine the matter of lifestyle addiction Prostitutes Gaya the participants.

As previously noted, this was an exploratory study in order to Prostitutes Gaya whatever perceptions existed and that the women were willing to relate to us. That is, since researchers possess this information, they can examine the construct specifically and in more detail, fleshing out further what Prostitutes Gaya are only able to note as existing at this initial research stage.

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Additionally, most women in our sample reported extensive instances of abuse. Consequently, prostitutes who wish to improve their lives and pursue recovery from all forms of addictions associated with the lifestyle will require specific aid in Prostitutes Gaya to address these dynamics. For example, Burgess-Proctor found that most female victims of intimate partner violence IPV are hesitant to seek help, possibly resulting from similar, negative previous experiences. Burgess-Proctor also identifies help-seeking inhibitors and help-seeking promoters that affect the likelihood of women seeking needed aid when endangered, potentially associating these mechanisms Prostitutes Gaya childhood experiences of violence or abuse.

As women in our sample recounted their personal experiences of abuse, they admitted their foreknow-ledge of the potential danger involved with Prostitutes Gaya sexual encounter. Congruent with O'Dohertyintuition exercised by the women in our present study seemingly remained a cogent factor affecting women's decisions.

Although paradoxical to the reality of their continual recounting of the physical and sexual abuse that results from prostitution, Prostitutes Gaya nonetheless viewed themselves as Prostitutes Gaya in control of the sexual situations they encountered. Lucas sheds light on this phenomena by reporting that, not only did most women in her sample regularly engaged Prostitutes Gaya sex work by Prostitutes Gaya, but they also experienced a sense of temporary psychological satisfaction resulting from prostitution activities and lifestyle variables.

Such feelings likely contribute significantly to participants' feelings of addiction to prostitution lifestyles.

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Identifying the specific elements of sex work that cause women to feel empowered may help Prostitutes Gaya who feel trapped in the lifestyle better understand their own emotional responses and feelings of addiction, as well as recovery solutions that address this particular facet of their addiction. In short, the women must learn new avenues of developing healthy senses of self-efficacy. The addiction that participants reported consequently must have had strong, if not deciding, influence on the decisions of women in our study.

Work by Blecher and Prostitutes Gaya advance this construct when they report findings that street-level Prostitutes Gaya generally emphasize short-term rewards, rather than delayed gratification. Similarly, they found that motivational factors which proved to be most powerful and to be linked as the most similar to actual behavioral outcomes were those that centered on more temporary outcomes.

Resultantly, as society seeks to aid women recovering from prostitution, programs should be established that specifically address this tendency. That is, the perspectives of such women who wish to change their lifestyles must transition from short-term to long-term goals and rewards if they are to see long-term recovery.

And finally, social support seems to be a cogent psychological variable that transcends our findings. The prostitutes in our study consistently described themselves as feeling disconnected from others in ways that otherwise would promote social and psychological well being. We believe, therefore, that programs designed to assist recovering prostitutes must include social as well as individual interventions.

Helping them connect with Prostitutes Gaya groups — replacing their unhealthy present social circles — is needed for successful interventions. Likewise, family therapy, in a systemic tradition Carr,may Prostitutes Gaya warranted — either in place of individual counseling or at least augmenting it. The psychological well being of these needed individuals, in part, seems tied to their needs for healthy Prostitutes Gaya connections.

The sample for the present study was drawn from women currently residing in a medium-sized city in the Midwest area Prostitutes Gaya the United States. Future research should seek to replicate the Prostitutes Gaya in similar cities located in other regions of the country. Additionally, future researchers should conduct parallel studies Prostitutes Gaya the milieu of larger cities such as New York or Los Angeles, where women may face challenges unique to larger metropolitan environments.

Additionally, our sample did not include a significant number of Hispanic or Asian minorities. Conducting the study in locales where the present results can be compared with those from persons reared in wide cross-sections of minority population milieus may prove insightful and will enhance Prostitutes Gaya research's external validity Delmar, Further, interviews Prostitutes Gaya participants in our sample were conducted while women were in jail for prostitution-related activities.

We suspect that time spent in jail provided participants with occasions for reflection on personal behavioral choices and resultant effects. Moreover, the level of reflection, as well as content, may be qualitatively different when prostitutes are being interviewed in jail contexts compared to other interviewing contexts.

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Consequently, future researchers may wish to compare findings from interviews with prostitutes while in jail with responses of women while not undergoing legal penalties for their sexual behaviors.

Future researchers should design studies that focus specifically on this construct, having women explain their understandings of the concept, provide additional detail, and compare their behaviors against various diagnostic criteria.

As such, we view the present article as reporting initial findings of what potentially could be a fertile research agenda Prostitutes Gaya far more details available than what we are able to Prostitutes Gaya her given the interview data we collected.

Finally, future researchers may wish to conduct longitudinal studies where prostitutes' percepts are tracked over time. Various dynamics relating to their perspectives and behavior patterns could be more fully studied over the course of months, multiple years, or decades.

Such research may obtain insight via longitudinal research Prostitutes Gaya when studying familial relationships, the effects of prostitution on Prostitutes Gaya children, as well as the long-term effects of prostitution on Prostitutes Gaya social relationships. Furthermore, most women in our sample described hopes for re-gaining custody of their children and someday raising them.

Background and aims: The aim of the present study was to provide a phenomenological perspective of individuals who actively engage in street-level prostitution and identified a lifestyle addiction associated with their activities.

Longitudinal studies would provide follow-up data regarding whether these aspirations became realties and under what conditions or contexts. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU. Journal List J Behav Addict v. J Behav Addict. Published online Oct Michael Prostitutes Gaya. Lee2 Ruth L. Holmes 5. Alisha D. Ruth L. Hannah J. Author Prostitutes Gaya Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

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Prostitutes Gaya Cedarville University, N. Contributed by Authors' contribution: MWF supervised each aspect of the study, from conception, through data collection, analysis, and generating the submitted journal manuscript.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Background and aims: The aim Prostitutes Gaya the present study was to provide a phenomenological perspective of individuals who actively engage in street-level prostitution and identified a lifestyle addiction associated with their activities.

Keywords: prostitution, sex work, qualitative research, psychological addictions. METHODS Participants Interviews were obtained from 25 women who Prostitutes Gaya incarcerated at county jails, being arrested on charges of street-level prostitution. Procedure Among the various types of qualitative methodology Creswell,we designed the present investigation as a phenomenological research study. Ethics The study procedures were carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.

Harmful Prostitutes Gaya of prostitution Prostitutes Gaya women in our study shared many disturbing stories in which they were victims of violence and rape during the time they spent engaging in prostitution behaviors. For example, Caroline recollected a time in which she was physically assaulted by a client: I've been hurt plenty of times.

Hope, for example, discussed this risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease as a result of Prostitutes Gaya sexually assaulted: Yeah, yeah it's [prostitution] very dangerous. Additionally, Crystal captured the combination Prostitutes Gaya physical and sexual violence that perpetrators sometimes force on their prostitution victims: I've been raped several, several times. Shannon, for example, confessed the damage she endured to her self-esteem and the shame she felt as a result: There's some guys that act like Prostitutes Gaya police officers when you're out there and they force you.

Dawn, for example, exemplified this awareness: It's [prostitution] very, very, very, very dangerous. Kathy, for example, described this incongruence between wanting to avoid harm and to continue in the lifestyle: Because, I have been to the point where I get out of one trick's car and this is how the, I guess the sickness or the devil or whatever you want to call it or the conscience part of the person: get out, get beat, raped and everything and five minutes later get back in another car and go get high.

Prostitutes Gaya prostitution Participants consistently reported disliking prostitution and the behaviors that accompany the lifestyle. Dawn, for example, encompassed many women's view of disdaining prostitution: They say this is the oldest profession in the book but I don't see how anybody — woman, Prostitutes Gaya, rat, any kind of personc — an even think about doing this [prostitution].

Caroline, for example, emphasized the painful feelings she experienced after engaging in the sexual work behaviors: I hate them Prostitutes Gaya behaviors]. Kelly, for example, illustrated these simultaneous feelings of hatred and detachment: Yeah, I hate it [prostitution]. Addiction to prostitution's lifestyle Although Prostitutes Gaya a disdain for street-level prostitution, Prostitutes Gaya all of the participants described feeling as though they were addicted to the prostitution lifestyle.

Amanda, for example, shared the sentiments of most participants in this regards: I hate it [prostitution], but I like the lifestyle. Jessica, for example, described the gust she routinely feels as a result of her lifestyle: What's enjoyable? Kelly, for example, captured many of the women's desire to Prostitutes Gaya feeling hooked into the lifestyle: You know, these girls Prostitutes Gaya come in here with just a slap on the hand and go. Need for social services to exit prostitution Women in this Prostitutes Gaya unanimously conveyed hopes of exiting the lifestyle altogether.

Donna, for example, shared Prostitutes Gaya great hope, but recognized her need for help from others: Like my counselors, I feel good spirits with them, so I know they'll probably help me this time.

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Amanda, for example, captured the uncertainty felt by these women: I want to [clean up], It's just I Prostitutes Gaya know where to start.

Funding Statement Funding sources: No financial support was received for this study. References Alvesson M. Interpreting interviews. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; M, Dalla R. L, Williamson C. Exiting prostitution: An integrated model. Violence Against Prostitutes Gaya. R, Prostitutes Gaya S. Development of a grounded theory: Moving towards a theory of the pathways into street prostitution among low-income women.

Journal of Addictions Nursing.

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Research methods in anthropology. C, Biklen S. Qualitative research for Prostitutes Gaya. Understanding the help-seeking decisions of marginalized attered women. Publication No. AAT Family therapy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Conducting qualitative data analysis: Reading Prostitutes Gaya, but analyzing by meaningful qualitative units. The Qualitative Report.

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These participants were not able to picture their lives apart from prostitution, despite the fact that they seemingly possessed cogent desires to exit the lifestyle. Prostitutes Gaya formulation of these stages provides researchers with a helpful framework for understanding the significance of research on women engaged in prostitution. Particularly, after approximately twenty interviews, we were finding that Prostitutes Gaya law of diminishing returns was occurring with the data.
