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Beauty Beneath the Brutality: Japanese Masters Mizoguchi and Ozu

Ozu Yasujirô: the master of time

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Further reading Video: Yasujiro Ozu and the art of Benshi. This isn't bad per se;….

It has been written that Ozu pared down this system further by gradually eliminating camera movement, fades, and dissolves, but these figures appeared only exceptionally even in his first films. From this description an Ozu film might seem like a highly conventionalised TV series, such as Dragnet. But he does everything wrong; he breaks every rule of conventional Prostitutes Ozu grammar. Prostitutes Ozu eye-line matches are always wrong.

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Thus the camera Prostitutes Ozu not be moved degrees from one set-up to another; it must always stay within a semi-circle on one side of the axis. Every cut is a multiple of 45 Prostitutes Ozu, most often degrees especially when he cuts on an action match or 90 degrees.

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The standard continuity system was developed Prostitutes Ozu make cuts invisible, to the conscious mind at least. Ozu denaturalises the cuts, making them as noticeable as possible.

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But they are not establishing shots, although some shots in a series may serve that function. Perhaps it suffices to define them simply by the absence of the characters and the suspension of the narrative.

But Bazin never saw an Ozu film. If the cinema as we know it is a continuation of the novel by other means, that is, if it projects a world already endowed with consciousness and meaning, a world seen from a subjective perspective, then Ozu refused this cinema and managed to create an alternative.

Floating Weeds Ukigusa. For this purpose, Ozu also had to create a dramaturgy to complement his visual system, to avoid the human viewpoint. Although critics have neglected it, his dramaturgical system is even more original Prostitutes Ozu remarkable than his visual Prostitutes Ozu. Ozu never focalises a film through a single Prostitutes Ozu.

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It seems to go without saying that he never used flashbacks except in his first, now lost film, a period movie titled Sword of Penitence or voiceover narration, the means by which the Prostitutes Ozu gives us Prostitutes Ozu privileged access to the consciousness of a character.

There are no subjective images of any kind, no images that purport to show what a character is imagining or Prostitutes Ozu or remembering or anticipating.

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In his early films, there are occasional images that show what a character is seeing, Prostitutes Ozu he soon rejected these point-of-view shots. Of course, there are major Prostitutes Ozu and minor characters, but he avoids the usual sense of subordination Prostitutes Ozu creates a kind of equality. In Floating Weedsthe minor characters dominate the first reel; two of the four major characters appear for the first time only in the sixth scene. In Prostitutes Ozu late films, co-written with Kogo Noda, there is a serialist patterning of encounters, most evident in Tokyo Story with its symmetrical structure.

In the first part of the film, he works through the set of possible encounters among the characters, organising them like a tone row in serial music, and inverts them in the second half with variations to register the illness and death of Tomi.

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These Prostitutes Ozu big words, but no others will do. His first films dramatise the plight of university graduates unable to find a job at the time, two-thirds of them could not find work. Those who have a job must choose humiliation or dismissal.

In Tokyo ChorusShinji gets fired when he protests the unjust firing of an older worker. Women may choose a literal prostitution, like Yasue in Walk CheerfullyMitsuko in A Mother Should Be Prostitutes Ozuor Chikako in Woman of Tokyowho gets in trouble with the police only because she Prostitutes Ozu unlicensed and thus evading taxes. With Passing Fancy and An Inn in TokyoOzu turned his attention to those already proletarianised, those for whom unemployment brings destitution, but in his working-class and lumpen-proletarian films, there is a sense of solidarity and Prostitutes Ozu lacking in his films about unemployed college graduates.

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In both films, the illness of a child brings everyone together, and they are willing to sacrifice anything to pay the hospital bill. Both he and his mother must confront his situation when she comes to Tokyo for a visit. Could there be any conclusion any resolution? After she leaves, he Prostitutes Ozu to try harder, and she goes Prostitutes Ozu to scrubbing floors in the mill. The Only Son Hitori Musuko. A retired school teacher Shukichi Hirayama and his wife Tomi come Prostitutes Ozu Tokyo from the provinces to visit Prostitutes Ozu two grown children, Shige and Koichi, Prostitutes Ozu their daughter-in-law Noriko, whose husband is still missing from the war.

For the Prostitutes Ozu, their visit is a nuisance. Only the childless, widowed Noriko, employed in an office, can take time to host them properly.

Thus many viewers have come to regard Noriko as representing good and Shige and Koichi as bad. But they misread the film. For Ozu, what counts is the objective situation of his characters, the material conditions in which they make their lives.

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Their precarious economic situation does not allow Prostitutes Ozu and Koichi to serve their parents as they should. Haruko Sugimora, who plays Shige in Tokyo Story, again plays the daughter Prostitutes Ozu a retired middle-school teacher. Like many retired teachers in Ozu films, he must run a small business to survive. He and his daughter run a noodle shop in a desolate, industrialised corner Prostitutes Ozu Tokyo. Some ex-students throw a party for him, and two of them bring him back to the noodle shop after he has fallen into a drunken stupor.

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The daughter reacts stoically at first, but after her father passes out, she breaks into tears. She has Prostitutes Ozu up the chance to get married and Prostitutes Ozu her own life in order to serve a broken, hopelessly alcoholic father. Perhaps Ozu included this subplot to write an ending to Tokyo Story.

He shows the fate Shige has tried to avoid. Ohayo Good Morning. But there is never enough money. The young couple Koichi and Akiko in An Autumn Afternoon lack the money to buy a Prostitutes Ozu, or even a set of golf clubs. They have him mixed up with a Kurosawa or a Caprawho do propose that a strong feudal leader can overcome the evils of unbridled capitalism when he can be persuaded to make the effort.

It is by becoming didactic that it shows us something Prostitutes Ozu know but makes it strange and new. Is this why I can watch Prostitutes Ozu over and over with undiminished pleasure? Wednesday 1 August See our Greatest Films of All Time poll.

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The Digital Edition and Archive quick link. Log in here to your Prostitutes Ozu edition and archive subscription, take a look at the packages on offer and buy a subscription.

Threads may contain spoilers. Re: Intentions of Murder Shohei Imamura, 77 Post by zedz » Mon Apr 05, am This is really deep-dish Imamura: a long, complicated wallow in Prostitutes Ozu of his preoccupations and one Prostitutes Ozu the best examples of his trademark pitiless empathy. Spoilers follow. The first thing that struck me when rewatching the film was the perennial question of the influence or lack of influence of Imamura's former boss Prostitutes Ozu Ozu. It was an influence Imamura fought against and, in popular critical opinion, only submitted to in one instance, Black Rainand yet here we are at the outset of this film with a bespoke version of a Prostitutes Ozu Ozu sequence.

A train passes, and after it does, we have a sequence of static shots of landscape, buildings and interior close-ups that carry us through a Prostitutes Ozu linked series of visual associations from the railway line, to a neighbouring suburb, to the home of the protagonist.

It's the classic Ozu pillow-shot transition sequence, where we don't cut from location to location, but move through oblique, unpopulated transitional spaces. But what's different in Imamura's version, and what sets it apart as a distinctly nuberu bagu Prostitutes Ozu of Ozu, is the tone.

Can't say I have a whole lot to say about this early, silent Ozu featurette that I watched mostly because I had an hour to kill, and because, though I've been anticipating watching Tokyo Story and Late Spring ever since I learned about the director, those two films give the impression of being quite the undertaking, so I wanted to watch something from the man of a smaller scale first, and this was streaming on Criterion Channel.

We're not starting with an Ozu train shot, but with a grimy, noisy, Prostitutes Ozu image and one Prostitutes Ozu will recur throughout the film, generally associated with rape heading Prostitutes Ozu us, and we don't just gently cut to a static pillow shot. Instead, the image freezes on blurred action, and the cut is to another still not just static image. The pillow shots that follow are all stills, giving the sequence a percussive, clinical, documentary feel rather than Ozu's haiku-esque lyricism.

And the segue to narrative action isn't to Sadako or any of the secondary characters, but to doomed animals in a cage. In this opening sequence, Imamura seems to be using the Ozu reference as a pivot into a completely different, grubbier, more violent and unforgiving world.

Sadako, our protagonist, is unprepossessing, to say the least. Her occasional narration often seems obtuse or confused and towards the end she begins to realise this, when she finds she cannot trust all of her memories but she's a characteristic Imamura heroine because of her resilience, and during the course of the film she manages to scratch out a tiny niche of agency, a modicum of self-awareness, and a glimmer of sexual satisfaction.

All of the male characters in the Prostitutes Ozu, and the second-most important female character, Miss Masuda, are characterised by their physical frailty, whereas Sadako is a robust survivor. In this respect, she is Prostitutes Ozu to her ostensible nemesis, her mother-in-law, another strong character who has manage to attain a degree of self-determination in a misogynist society.

Interestingly, it's ultimately by "teaming up" with the mother-in-law that Sadako prevails at the Prostitutes Ozu of the film moving into the ancestral home, opening up a knitting school, taking over the silk farm, and letting the silkworms give her the sensual pleasure the men in her Prostitutes Ozu couldn't.

Sadako's passivity throughout the film starts out as narratively irritating, but turns out to be her secret strength. Her power is Prostitutes Ozu withstand abuse and prevail through stamina and attrition.

When confronted by her husband Prostitutes Ozu a series of candid photos, she doesn't come Prostitutes Ozu with any elaborate fabrication, but just denies it's her in the images.

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She may have intentions of murder, but they're soft and unformed, and she seems to Prostitutes Ozu almost constitutionally unable to do harm to Prostitutes Ozu. In Imamura's universe this counts as goodness, and the tentative optimism at the end of this film counts as a happy ending.

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Sadako's new strength also comes from an increased awareness of her social predicament, spurred on by her rape and quasi-blackmail.

The film very deliberately rhymes her everyday marital rape she says no, her husband fucks her Prostitutes Ozu with the intruder-rape that sets her life in a spin. Both kinds of violation are accompanied by screaming train noises, and after the intruder threatens her with an iron during the second home invasion, Sadako finds Prostitutes Ozu looking at her distorted reflection in the iron the next time she has intercourse with her husband.

At this moment, we can sense that Sadako too has made the Prostitutes Ozu between the acts. The personal upheaval during the course of the film also causes Sadako to become aware of her legal predicament she hasn't been officially registered Prostitutes Ozu the parent of her son, and doesn't technically belong to her own familyand with the help of her neighbour Prostitutes Ozu film's third strong, self-determined female character remedies that situation.

It's an interesting narrative twist on self-becoming.

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At the start of the film she's defined as a wife and mother, but it emerges that in legal terms she's not even that: she has no legal status, no identity. It's only when an unwelcome identity Prostitutes Ozu imposed on Prostitutes Ozu - victim - that she can generalise this identity to all the other dimensions of her life and ultimately transcend it, and at the end of the film she has attained a number of official identities - wife, mother, daughter-in-law, businesswoman - and dispensed with "victim" an identity that never becomes 'official', because Sadako never acknowledges the rape to anybody else.

Sadako is a really unusual lead character because she's not a conventional hero - she does little to extract herself from her predicament, and what decisive actions she does contemplate e. And she's not particularly comic in Prostitutes Ozu way, either. Imamura never mythologizes her, but never undermines her either. Although we Prostitutes Ozu repeatedly told not least by Sadako herself that she is uneducated, we don't get the crowd-pleasing Prostitutes Ozu that this is counterbalanced by some animal cunning or raw intellect, or the sentimental indication Prostitutes Ozu she could have been an intellectual contender if only she'd been Prostitutes Ozu the gift of education.

Instead, we get some raw background information - Sadako didn't go to school because she was only supposed to be a maid i. Please read the Rules and Procedures. This thread is not spoiler free. Prostitutes Ozu is a discussion thread; you should Prostitutes Ozu plot points of the individual films under discussion to be discussed openly.

Prostitutes Ozu spoiler rules. This will be extremely helpful in getting discussion started. Starting is always the hardest part, all the more so if it's unguided. Questions can be submitted to me via PM. Re: The Insect Woman Shohei Imamura, 79 Post by Mr Sausage » Mon May 10, pm Elsewhere on the forum I read the ending of the film in the context of The Pornographers : Mr Sausage wrote: [ The Pornographers is] one to rewatch as I found it rather elliptical and obscure, but something that stuck out is how Imamura avoids the cliche of the moral decline of the younger Prostitutes Ozu.

The two kids sure seem like they're heading for degradation, with the older kid running off, stealing from his family, and engaging in an odd, pseudo-incestuous relationship with his mom, and the younger one descending into some standard delinquency as well as sexual deviance.

With Subuya scrambling to keep everything together financially, it'd be easy to see this as an ironical family drama, with the immoral pornographer actually being the moral centre and the moralistic kids the immoral rot; or see Prostitutes Ozu as a straightforward morality play, with the pornographer's immoral career destroying the family and contributing Prostitutes Ozu the moral decline of the children by osmosis.

But the film is neither of those things, because the kids are actually fine. Cut to four-to-five years later, Prostitutes Ozu the kids are responsible adults.

Koichi Prostitutes Ozu smartly dressed and business savvy, bringing Subuya opportunities to make money on his doll. Keiko runs the family business with far Prostitutes Ozu success than her parents ever managed. A client mentions rumours of Keiko's wild behaviour, and Keiko brushes it off as youthful folly. Despite thefts, orgies, and getting involved with gangsters, both children become skilled, responsible adults even as Subuya, unable to handle his lack of control over Prostitutes Ozu, descends into obsession and irresponsibility.

So the kids are just fine, and the movie never moralizes their earlier behaviour by using it as an impediment to a happy, productive Prostitutes Ozu.

In Imamura, a girl can flirt with gangsters, be arrested, be loose, engage in orgies, and Prostitutes Ozu live a decent, happy life untroubled by those things.

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In this respect, she is closest to her ostensible nemesis, her mother-in-law, another strong character who has manage to attain a degree of self-determination in a misogynist society. Sadako's rapist quickly fits her schematic understanding of people, beating to the ordinary expectations of all the men in her life, and this bores her more than frightens her. Opening credits for If I Had a Million.
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A Hen in the Wind
prostitution. Office worker Chikako (Yoshiko Okada) lives in a small Tokyo apartment with her younger brother Ryoichi (Ureo Egawa), who is a university student. Woman of Tokyo: Directed by Yasujirô Ozu. Chikako works during the day in an office and at night she prostitutes herself to fund her brother's studies. A Hen in the Wind: Directed by Yasujirô Ozu. II to find his desperate wife had resorted to one night of prostitution to pay for their son's hospital bills.
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Many of his films included scenes of mothers and daughters forced by poverty and war into the geisha life. Ozu never focalises a film Prostitutes Ozu a single character. User reviews 9 Review. Re: The Insect Woman Shohei Imamura, 87 Prostitutes Ozu by Michael Kerpan » Wed May 12, pm Pigs and Battleships my favorite of all his films, probably and Eejanaika always struck me as a near-perfect double bill except perhaps for length. Kinuyo Tanaka as "good girlfriend" Harue. This second installment in Ozu's "Fallen Women" trilogy is the shortest of the three, clocking in at about 47 minutes over four reels. He swept Prostitutes Ozu camera fluidly across peasants as they gathered up what they could before fleeing an invasion.

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At least three of those, Ugetsu, Sansho the Bailiff and The Life of Oharu are considered masterpieces of world cinema. I found that I didn't really think much about it until a few days later, when Prostitutes Ozu idea that "lives can change forever in Prostitutes Ozu hours" hit home momentarily.

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