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The extermination of Christianity and the national seclusion of Japan were, however, different problems. British traders are privileged to land their goods and other cargo from their ships at their own convenience.

The Catholic churches and other buildings under the control of the Catholics should not be used as military quarters or for the lodging of soldiers! On another occasion, he told a Prostitutes Gotsucho priest that ht would sometime conquer China and would then render all possible assistance to the priests toward making China a great Christian nation. But he thus represented things merely for the purpose of winning over all the Christian military barons in Kyushu.

Prostitutes Gotsucho plan worked well; his campaign in Kyushu was highly successful. It started in February and ended in the early part of May,when the Prostitutes Gotsucho of Shimazu, who was the supreme military power in the military kingdom, surrendered and placed himself at the mercy of the conqueror. The campaign was so brilliantly and speedily conducted that most of the Chris- tian and other military lords made ready submission, and Kyu- shu was completely subjugated.

Kyushu had been the seat of Christianity in Japan for twoscore years. The Catho- lic churches and priests had steadily increased in power since the introduction of Christianity Prostitutes Gotsucho Xavier in 1and had established themselves so firmly that Catholicism practically constituted a kingdom by itself.

Arima and Omura were proud of theirProstitutes Gotsucho Christians. The Christian priests were revered as secular as well as spiritual leaders. Sometimes they even went so far as to interfere in the domestic and diplomatic afiEairs of local feudal govern- ments.

It was the prevailing practice as well as the policy of the Catholic priests in Kyushu first to convert a feudal lord and then to have him announce that the district under his control was a Christian state, and finally, through the authority of the lord, to cause the people in the district to become Christian converts.

Otomo and other powerful Christian feudal lords fre- quently requested Christian Prostitutes Gotsucho to Prostitutes Gotsucho them on their military campaigns. With the increasing ascendancy of Christianity in Japan, Catho- lic priests elevated themselves in the social as Prostitutes Gotsucho as in the religious world, claiming rank and standing similar to those of bishops in the Christian nations of Europe.

They usually rode about Prostitutes Gotsucho magnificent sedan chairs, with the same dignity and pomp as was displayed Prostitutes Gotsucho lords and princes. Hideyoshi him- self was both surprised and offended when the Catholic priests came to his military headquarters at Hakata in Kyushu to con- gratulate him upon his victory in as dignified and pompous a manner as if they were of the same rank as Hideyoshi himself.

This caused Hideyoshi to con- clude that the existence of Christianity in Japan would stand in the Prostitutes Gotsucho of national unification, and Prostitutes Gotsucho the Catholic priests were Prostitutes Gotsucho upon the ruling authority of Japan. As a result, on the night of the 18th day of the 6th month in the 15th year of the Tensho era July 24,at Hakozaki, Kyushu, Hide- yoshi completed the formulation of a law against the Prostitutes Gotsucho tians.

On the following day, at Hakata, the largest seaport in Kyushu, he promulgated this anti-Christian Prostitutes Gotsucho and at once put Prostitutes Gotsucho in force.

Essential among its provisions were the following: 1. Japan, the nation of the Kami [Japanese native deities], should not accept the evil religion sent by Christian nations. The Japanese who have been converted to this evil reli- gion have frequently destroyed Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. These outrageous acts should be promptly checked. All Christian priests are hereby ordered to leave Japan within Prostitutes Gotsucho days.

The black ships [Occidental ships] that come to our coun- try for the purpose of Prostitutes Gotsucho will still be allowed to continue to buy and to sell according Prostitutes Gotsucho the established custom. Traders and others, even though they come from Chris- tian nations, will be allowed to sojourn in Japan providing they do not meddle with Buddhism.

Prostitutes Gotsucho did Hideyoshi take prompt and definite steps to root out Christianity immediately after Prostitutes Gotsucho successful campaign in Kyushu; indeed, even while he was still on the island. In his work T7ie History of Japan he described the life of Christian priests in Japan and said that the Christian priests had in the first place en- tirely disregarded the national interdict, and that furthermore they were as a rule both arrogant and insolent.

These priests sought to duplicate the practices of the bishops and cardinals in Rome. They taught the Japanese Christian converts that the word of God and of the Church should always be held above the commands and instructions of the rulers of Japan.

Such teachings caused the Japanese to disobey the laws and ordinances both of the shogunate gov- Prostitutes Gotsucho and of their lords, whenever these laws or ordinances did not accord with the Christian regulations and teachings. On the same day that Hideyoshi promulgated his anti-Chris- tian law, he deprived of rank, title, and estate one of the noted Prostitutes Gotsucho lords, Takayama, who had destroyed both Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines in his province and had forced all the people under his dominion to embrace Christianity; and soon afterward he exiled Takayama to a distant island.

He took the city of Nagasaki from the Christian Church and placed it under the direct control of his military government. The twenty-two beau- tiful Christian churches that stood within the seventy-five-mile Prostitutes Gotsucho between Kyoto and Sakai, the largest seaport in Japan, he ordered to be razed.

The Christian converts were warned to renounce their faith on penalty of death or exile. In his re- ply to a letter from the Portuguese governor of Goa he stated that although Japan had prohibited the introduction and propagation of Christianity because its teachings had caused great harm to the nation, yet traders from Christian nations would be both welcomed and protected.

It was their practice to render each other assistance, even to violating the Prostitutes Gotsucho. Therefore Hideyoshi's plan for dealing with the priests and traders separately by forbidding the Christian teachings and destroying Christian edifices, and at the same time by develop- ing trade with Christian nations, was quite impracticable. Con- sequently, the Anti-Christian Law was practically ineffective, notwithstanding that it was rigorously enforced. The priests were either exiled or crucified.

To counteract this, a number of Prostitutes Gotsucho were Prostitutes Gotsucho into Japan in the guise of traders, and they engaged secretly in religious work with great zeal and con- siderable success.

Although the Christian converts in Japan were forced to renounce their faith, those refusing being either exiled or put to death, new converts soon filled their places. This situation is to be seen Prostitutes Gotsucho the years and Inaccording to official records, the Japanese government put 20, Christians to death; in the number of Japa- nese who were converted, not including those who secretly em- braced the faith, was considerably greater than 12, How to carry out the anti-Christian policy became an increasingly puzzling Prostitutes Gotsucho serious problem.

At the very time that Hideyoshi was fighting Christianity in Japan, because of the changed con- ditions in the nation, he also found it necessary to tolerate Christians— as will be seen presently.

By this successful military campaign the national unification of Prostitutes Gotsucho was completed.

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Prostitutes Gotsucho years later, Hideyoshi was ready to put in motion his long-cherished plan of conquering the Asiatic continent. Nearly half a million soldiers were called up and half of them were sent to Korea. As Hideyoshi turned his entire attention to this great military undertaking, his anti- Christian movement naturally became a matter of secondary importance.

He used both Christian and Buddhist military lords, as well as military men of both faiths, without discrimination, in his Korean campaign. The first division was commanded by a Christian lord, Konishi, the second by a devout Buddhist, Kato; and thus the campaign was begun as if there was a rivalry between the Christian and Buddhist soldiers.

The Christian soldiers then advanced far into northern Korea and Prostitutes Gotsucho and occupied Pyeng Yang, the ancient capital, which had the strongest and largest fortifications of any city in Korea and offered a convenient approach to Manchuria. The Buddhist soldiers, under the command of Kato, followed the retreating royal Korean army and succeeded in capturing the crown prince of Korea and Prostitutes Gotsucho brother. Hideyoshi apparently tolerated Christianity in order to Prostitutes Gotsucho the Prostitutes Gotsucho.

It is said that some of the Christian feudal lords in Korea were permitted to send for Christian priests from Japan and have them conduct Christian services in the military camps. In Prostitutes Gotsucho died, at the age of sixty-three years, with- out having accomplished his long-cherished ambition of world dominion; neither had he Prostitutes Gotsucho able even to check the spread of Christianity, although he firmly believed that Christianity and the national existence of Japan were incompatible.

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Inwith the appointment of lyeyasu as shogun by the emperor, the organization of the Tokugawa shogunate was completed.

Like Hideyoshi, lyeyasu made the national expan- sion of Japan the fundamental policy of his Prostitutes Gotsucho but, as has already been noted, the plan followed by lyeyasu in car- rying out this great undertaking was entirely different from Prostitutes Gotsucho of Hideyoshi. His policy was to Prostitutes Gotsucho peace- ful and friendly relations with all countries, and to invite both traders and ship captains to come to Japan and thereby make Japan eventually the greatest commercial center in Asia.

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It was also his policy to encourage Japanese traders to sail to other parts of the world for the dual purpose of developing trade and establishing settlements, toward the end that Japan should become the great financial center of Asia.

Prostitutes Gotsucho times, the representatives sent to Korea by Lord So were arrested and sent to Peking. In response to this demand, Japan gathered Korean prisoners of war Prostitutes Gotsucho ing the next five years and sent more than five thousand of them back to Korea. In July,Ibun Sei, councilor of state in the Korean government, wrote to Lord So saying that if Japan desired Prostitutes Gotsucho restore peace with Korea, she would first have to meet two minimum requirements, namely: 1.

The ruler of Prostitutes Gotsucho should send a state paper suing for peace, thus indicating that peace proposals originated on the part of Japan. Japan should arrest those Japanese who had dug up and dishonored the graves of Korean kings, and should send them to Korea to be punished in accordance with Korean laws.

In the king of Korea sent an envoy to bear the reply to the state paper of Japan. Despite the fact that Korea had neither of- fended nor opposed Japan, in Japan without cause or provocation sent Prostitutes Gotsucho large army to Korea Prostitutes Gotsucho subjected her to extreme privation, suffeiing, and Prostitutes Gotsucho, even Prostitutes Gotsucho the open- ing and desecrating of the graves of Korean kings.

Both the ruled and the ruling in Korea feel the pain of this experience deep in their hearts and bones. For several years past, Prostitutes Gotsucho has caused Lord So repeatedly to approach Korea with pro- posals for peace.

Korea has each time rejected the proposals because both the government and the people have felt that Korea should neither maintain her existence under the same skies with Japan nor disgracefully associate with a nation having the standards and practices of Japan. But Japan now regrets what Prostitutes Gotsucho has done in the past and has completely re- formed, thus entering upon a new national life.

She there- fore asks for the good will and understanding of Korea. This attitude on the part Prostitutes Gotsucho Japan is sure to bring happiness and blessings! Japan gained by the treaty the privilege of engaging in trade with Korea once a year at Fusan, the Korean harbor nearest to Japan.

In this way lyeyasu succeeded in restoring peace with Korea. He met all demands made by Korea, even though it entailed lowering the national dignity and prestige of Japan. In the seventeenth century, China Prostitutes Gotsucho the trade center in Asia of the Occidental nations, India, and various countries in the South Sea islands.

Therefore, for lyeyasu to gain trade privi- leges in China was tantamount to securing trade facilities with all Prostitutes Gotsucho known nations in the world. No matter in what ways lyeyasu and his government approached Prostitutes Gotsucho and tried to induce her to give assistance to Japan in establish- ing Prostitutes Gotsucho with China, with the Prostitutes Gotsucho of gaining trade privileges with that nation, the king of Korea and his government stead- fastly Prostitutes Gotsucho to Prostitutes Gotsucho with the Prostitutes Gotsucho of Japan because they doubted the sincerity and good faith of Japan, and Prostitutes Gotsucho they feared that they might incur the ill will of China, the su- zerain of Korea, if they should render friendly service to Japan, the long-standing national enemy of both Korea and China.

He attempted to approach China through all possible channels and utilized all available means and ways to accomplish this end. But China had closed her doors entirely against Japan. There was no chance for Japan to send an en- voy or state papers directly to the Chinese imperial court. As a result, none of the letters sent by lyeyasu were acknowledged by the government of Fukien. However, lyeyasu succeeded in inducing Chinese traders of the Nanking and Fukien districts to come to Nagasaki, Japan, Prostitutes Gotsucho they were permitted to establish trade settlements on very Prostitutes Gotsucho terms, and to engage in trade with the Japanese.

The archipelago which was its terri- tory lies between southern China and Kyushu, Japan. For hun- dreds of years it had maintained its existence under suzerain and tributary relations with China; but it had also recognized the ruling authority of the feudal lord of Satsuma Province, in Kyushu, and had sent a sort of tribute to that local govern- ment.

In the spring ofunder instructions from lyeyasu, the lord of Satsuma sent an army strong to Liu Chiu as a punitive expedition.

Therefore, in August, , four months after the death of lyeyasu, when Hidetada came to rule Japan in person, he promulgated a law prohibiting trade ships from entering any harbors except those of Nagasaki and Hirado.

In a campaign lasting less than a month, Liu Chiu was conquered. The king and his family were taken prisoner and brought to Japan.

In addition to the send- ing of tribute regularly to the imperial throne of China, it was made the state obligation of Liu Chiu that each new ruler of that kingdom was to ascend Prostitutes Gotsucho royal throne only after having received investiture through the imperial throne of China and having pledged himself to use the Chinese national calendar.

Prostitutes Gotsucho king of Liu Chiu also, in compliance with the request of Japan," made it possible for Japanese traders to engage in Prostitutes Gotsucho with China, disguised as subjects of Prostitutes Gotsucho kingdom. Formosa lies so close to China that it functions as a part of Fukien Province. These trade expeditions found that Formosa had been inhabited by many powerful wild tribes, and as there was no real central authority in Formosa to deal with the proposals for trade, they had to return to Japan without having accomplished any- thing.

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The securing of the privilege to engage in trade with the Koreans under great restrictions in one Korean harbor once a year, trade with China once a year through the instrumentality of Liu Chiu, and the establishment of Chinese trade Prostitutes Gotsucho ments at Nagasaki was the sum total of what lyeyasu gained for Japan in a Prostitutes Gotsucho of years of ceaseless effort.

China had closed her doors against Japan, the traders and trade ships from Prostitutes Gotsucho being shut out from every Chinese harbor. Japanese traders also estab- lished trade settlements inhabited by several hundred Japa- nese in the ports just named. The nmnber of large ocean-going ships provided with red-scal licenses issued by the Japanese government, which was only g at the time of Hideyoshi, was increased to in the time of lyeyasu.

At the same time, however, lyeyasu recog- nized that Christian activities and the development of trade with Occidental nations were inseparable because Christianity constituted part of the life of the Occidental traders, especially those from Spain Prostitutes Gotsucho Portugal. Although this law was retained, yet, on account of his strong desire to develop trade with Portugal and Spain, lyeyasu Prostitutes Gotsucho opposed nor prevented the coming of Catholic priests to Japan to engage in missionary work among the Japanese.

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Consequently, unless Christian priests flagrantly Prostitutes Gotsucho the national laws, thus threatening the existence of the nation, lye- yasu permitted them to enter Japan and engage in missionary work without interference.

Hence, in the early part of the Keicho eraalmost immediately after the death of Hideyoshi, priests of the Jesuit, Franciscan, and Dominican orders Prostitutes Gotsucho to Japan in increasing numbers, and openly engaged in religious work in Nagasaki, Osaka, and Kyoto. Within a few years they had restored the Christian as- cendancy in the five Kinai provinces which surrounded the im- perial capital, Kyoto.

Inafter the Battle of Sekigahara, with the betterment of foreign relations and the increase of trade, Christianity and its converts came to be fully recognized. The field of Christian operations was steadily extended. It is said that with the ex- ception of but eight provinces all Japan, which was then di- vided into sixty-six Prostitutes Gotsucho, had come under the dominating influence Prostitutes Gotsucho Christianity.

Unofficial records state that in the number of Christian converts exceeded , and that inwhen Christianity Prostitutes Gotsucho Japan reached Prostitutes Gotsucho peak, the Prostitutes Gotsucho approached 1, Hence it is safe to assume that during these periods the total number of Christian converts, in- cluding children bom in Christian families, certainly exceeded 1, As early as he sent a state paper to Don Francisco Tello, the governor of the Philippines, asking that he make it Prostitutes Gotsucho for Japan to en- ter into trade relations with Nueva Espana.

In lyeyasu again addressed a letter to the Philippine governor, in which he stated that Prostitutes Gotsucho should be established between Japan and Nueva Espana because both lands would be greatly benefited. In lyeyasu again wrote to the governor of the Phil- ippines, voluntarily guaranteeing to safeguard the Catholic priests and their religious work in Japan.

However, all these efforts failed to bring about the desired results. He was rescued by Japa- nese. They discussed trade affairs and the question of the employment of Spanish mining engineers to work in Japanese mines.

On one occasion, lyeyasu authorized Honda, his advisor, to promise Don Rodrigo that full protection would be accorded to Chris- tian missionaries in Japan.

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Because his plan to approach Nueva Espana through the office of the governor of the Philippines Prostitutes Gotsucho in failure, lyeyasu decided to enter into direct negotia- tions for trade. He took Prostitutes Gotsucho of the fact that the ship- wrecked governor of the Philippines was staying in Japan, and planned to send an escort with him to Nueva Espana in a Japanese Prostitutes Gotsucho, at the same time sending Japanese envoys to that country for the purpose of entering into trade negotiations.

He also instructed twenty-three Japanese traders to accompany the party for Prostitutes Gotsucho purpose of investigating trade possibilities in Nueva Espana. The envoy Munoz was to discuss orally trade and other matters with the Spanish authori- ties.

It proceeded to Acapulco, Nueva Espana. This envoy and his party, together with the twenty-three Japanese traders whom lyeyasu had sent to look Prostitutes Gotsucho the pos- sibilities of trade with Nueva Espana, sailed from Acapulco on March 22,and reached Uraga, Japan, on June 10 Prostitutes Gotsucho the same year.

Upon their return, the Japanese trade inspectors reported to lyeyasu that as Nueva Espana lay from to miles distant it lacked trade possibilities for Japan, Prostitutes Gotsucho that not only had the people of Nueva Espana discouraged the com- ing of the Japanese, but also some of them had strongly op- posed the opening of their country to Japanese trade.

At the same time, the envoy mentioned the Spanish ship in which he had come and requested permission for it to sail along the Prostitutes Gotsucho of Japan to take soundings in an attempt to locate an island that was reputed to be near Japan and to be full of gold and silver.

Although lyeyasu granted this request, he was greatly disappointed because he could not get any reply to his pro- posal regarding trade; neither could he get Spanish mining engineers to come to Japan. At that time the Catholic troubles in Japan were becoming increas- ingly serious. Moreover, almost all the advisors of lyeyasu were Shinto, Buddhist, and Confucian scholars.

As a result, lyeyasu decided to Prostitutes Gotsucho and promulgate an Prostitutes Gotsucho law. She has a divine law of her own, by reverential Prostitutes Gotsucho to which the rulers and the ruled have maintained a happy existence, the doctrines of loyalty and justice being always observed and practiced. The divine law of Japan is entirely different from that of Nueva Espaha and Spain.

Therefore neither Japan nor Spain can derive benefit or blessing by introducing arid adopt- ing the divine law of the other. Consequently, neither Spain nor Nueva Espana should contemplate the propagation of Christianity in Japan, just as Japan should not plan to propa- gate the teachings of Buddha in Spain and Nueva Espana.

Nueva Espana and Japan should confine their attention solely to the Prostitutes Gotsucho of trade. If trade ships cross the waters from each land to the other Prostitutes Gotsucho engage only in buying and selling, the two nations will enjoy unbounded blessings and benefits. Notwithstanding the unfavorable report made by the Prostitutes Gotsucho inspectors sent by lye- yasu to Nueva Espana, lyeyasu was persistent in attempting the opening of trade with that region.

He therefore requested the governor of Nueva Espana to enter into trade relations Prostitutes Gotsucho Japan and to abandon his idea of propagating Christianity there. But because lyeyasu entirely disregarded the pledge that he had made inand again inby which he had promised to safeguard and protect Catholic priests and their religious work in Japan, the governor of Nueva Espana was greatly offended and strongly opposed the opening of the col- ony to trade with the Japanese.

In he enlisted the aid of Masamune Date, a powerful feudal lord in northeastern Japan, and formulated a plan to send an envoy in the name of Lord Date to Nueva Espana and to Spain Prostitutes Gotsucho the purpose of concluding a treaty of commerce with the colony and, if pos- sible, with the mother country also. Great preparations were made. On October 29,Hashikura Shigurathe envoy of Lord Date, accompanied by a party consisting of one hun- dred and fifty men including the personal attendants of the envoy and of the traders—some authorities give an inclusive figure of one hundred and eighty— sailed from Tsuki-no-Ura BayJapan.

Sotelo, the Spanish priest, accompanied Hashi- kura as advisor and guide. The envoy and his party reached Acapulco on Prostitutes Gotsucho 25, Upon Prostitutes Gotsucho com- pletion, these ships will be sent from time to time to Nueva Espana, so that the priests Prostitutes Gotsucho cross the water to Japan. Upon their arrival here, we shall build Christian churches and resi- dences for them.

We shall also provide everything necessary for their religious work. We are taking this course in order to prove that we have no intention of interfering with Christian work in our State. Therefore, a year later, lyeyasu had Lord Date send an envoy to approach him as if the propagation of Christianity in Japan were Prostitutes Gotsucho prime purpose, and Prostitutes Gotsucho only incidental. However, none of the feudal lords have ever expelled priests from their states, as they have realized that, should the religious workers be interfered with, they would lose the now profitable trade.

Not only Lord Date, but even lyeyasu himself, the ruler of Japan, has always received the priests of the Fran- ciscan Order with great Prostitutes Gotsucho and consideration, because he believes that his desire Prostitutes Gotsucho open trade with Nueva Espana will be accomplished through the medium of Christian workers.

However, he has been greatly disappointed because no treaty of commerce has been concluded between Nueva Espana and Japan.

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In this way the envoy sought to show the governor how eager the Japanese were Prostitutes Gotsucho embrace Christianity, so that the governor would favor trade with Japan. On May 8, Prostitutes Gotsucho, the envoy and Prostitutes Gotsucho party left Nueva Espana and crossed the con- tinent to the Atlantic coast, from which on June 10 of the same year they sailed for Prostitutes Gotsucho aboard Prostitutes Gotsucho Spanish ship. On Au- gust 7 they left Havana, and on October 5 reached Spain.

They arrived at Madrid on Prostitutes Gotsucho 20, after having spent Prostitutes Gotsucho months resting in the native city of Sotelo, the priest who ac- companied the envoy and his party as advisor and guide.

Hashikura then addressed the throne, saying that Lord Date, being a Christian, had an earnest desire that all his subjects should embrace Christianity, and there- fore had instructed Hashikura to petition the Spanish throne that Spain send many priests to Japan so that through their teaching his subjects might be converted.

After this, Hashi- kura delivered the message sent by lyeyasu to the king, and stated that lyeyasu had long desired to conclude a treaty of amity and trade with both Spain and Nueva Espana, and that he had instructed him Hashikura to avail himself of every opportunity to conclude Prostitutes Gotsucho a treaty.

After the audience, Hashikura presented a draft of the treaty of commerce to the throne, asking that it might be used as a basis for negotiation. They would certainly be welcomed by us. In order to facilitate the coming of priests to Japan, newly built ships of ours will be sent annually to N ueva Espana. These ships will carry Prostitutes Gotsucho of Japan Prostitutes Gotsucho be exchanged for products of Nueva Espana.

Spanish ships plying between the Philippines and Nueva Espana will be privileged to stop in Japan if they are in need of repair. Such ships will be welcomed by us, and repairs will be made promptly. If Japanese ships need additional seamen while in Span- ish waters, or need l epairs, the Spanish government will be expected to accommodate them. Any ship that comes from the Spanish dependencies to Japan will be allowed to engage in trade with Japan, and will be provided with anything it Prostitutes Gotsucho need.

Spanish subjects in Prostitutes Gotsucho shall enjoy full privileges of residence, with extraterritorial rights! The Spanish government did not, therefore, trust either the statement made by Hashikura, the envoy of Lord Date, or the contents of the Japanese state paper which requested the sending of Christian Prostitutes Gotsucho from Spain to Japan.

Moreover, the contradictory statements of lyeyasu regarding his dealings with the Christian churches Prostitutes Gotsucho Japan, as given in the state paper, made a very bad impression in Spain. However, the Spanish government later decided that the existing trade between the Philippines and Japan might Prostitutes Gotsucho continued, but that Japan should not be permitted to open new trade relations with Prostitutes Gotsucho Nueva Espana or Spain.

After having remained in Madrid for eight months, he and his party left Spain, on October 12, for Italy, going to Rome by way of Genoa.

Hashikura was honored with rights of citi. In March,he and his party reached Nueva Es- paha, having returned by the same route which they had taken in coming, and on August 26,they were once more Prostitutes Gotsucho Tsuki-no-Ura, the port from which they had sailed seven years before.

They found that national conditions in Japan had un- dergone radical changes. Con- sequently, all the members of the returning party who had em- braced Christianity immediately renounced their faith for the sake of their personal safety.

Their mission had ended in com- plete failure. Yet this great trade expedition sent by lyeyasu and Lord Date shows how eagerly in the early days of the seven- teenth century Japan was seeking to establish commercial re- lations with America and even with Europe— because lyeyasu cherished an ambition Prostitutes Gotsucho make Japan the greatest economic and trade empire in the world.

Full text of "Japanese Expansion On The Asiatic Continent Vol-ii ()"

In the early part of the seventeenth century, Spain, Portugal, England, and Prostitutes Gotsucho the four outstanding nations in Eu- rope that were interested in Oriental trade— maintained com- Prostitutes Gotsucho relations with Japan. All Japan was at that time open to free trade.

InFrancisco Xavier, being greatly encouraged by the reports of Pinto, came to Kagoshima, where he started his religious work Prostitutes Gotsucho Japan. Prostitutes Gotsucho the early part of the second half of the sixteenth century, priests of the Jesuit Order and Portuguese traders established religious and Prostitutes Gotsucho centers.

However, it was only after the Vati- can officially recognized Japan as a trade and religious center assigned exclusively to Portugal by the Concordat of and by the Bull of Prostitutes Gotsucho Portugal gained practically complete control of both trade and religious work in Japan.

In the governor of the Philippines sent an envoy Iliano to Japan merely for political purposes. In the king of Spain granted to his sub- jects in Manila permission to engage in trade in both Japan and China. Hence it was in the early part of the seventeenth century that Spanish traders and priests began to enter upon trade and religious work in Japan, this work having long been monopolized by the Portuguese.

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Although as early as lye- yasu had on various occasions permitted ships from Manila to enter and to anchor in Japanese harbors, yet it was only Prostitutes Gotsucho that lyeyasu officially granted trade privileges in Japan Prostitutes Gotsucho the Philippines.

Toward the close of the sixteenth century, Holland deter- mined to get a share of the trade in the Orient. On Prostitutes Gotsucho differ- ent Prostitutes Gotsucho in,and — Holland sent trade expeditions thither. He sent for all of them to come to his capital, and in his interview with them he showed unusual kindness.

Among the shipwrecked Euro- peans, lyeyasu perceived that William Adams, an Englishman, and Prostitutes Gotsucho Josten, a Dutchman, were men of striking character and attainments. In the ruler of Holland sent an envoy to express his appreciation of the kindness shown to his countrymen by lye- yasu, and at the same time he made a request for trade privi- leges with Japan. The envoy, with his party, arrived at Hirado, Kyushu, and then proceeded to Sumpu, the residence capital of lyeyasu.

He presented a state paper and asked lyeyasu to open Japan Prostitutes Gotsucho Dutch trade. From this day Dutch ships shall be dealt with in strict ac- cordance with this permit. But England made no serious attempt to gain trade privileges in Japan until the early part of the seventeenth century.

Some time before he wrote, moreover, there had been a movement in England to open trade with Japan. Nevertheless, the envoy and his party did not actually start until January 14, On June 1 1 they arrived at Hirado, Kyushu; and went to Sumpu and to Yedo, where they had audience with lyeyasu and his son Hidetada.

They presented their official credentials, together with gifts sent by James I to lyeyasu. The party was received with un- precedented courtesy and kindness. He asked lyeyasu for trade concessions. Through the mediation of William Adams, lyeyasu readily granted all the demands of England.

British ships having now completed their first voyage from England to Japan, every facility and convenience shall be given their traders engaging in trade in Japan. British traders are privileged to land their goods and other cargo from their ships at their own convenience. All Brit- ish ships are privileged to enter, to anchor, and to trade in the ports and harbors in all Prostitutes Gotsucho of Japan. When a British ship finds it impossible to sail further by reason of having been damaged by storm, it will be privileged to enter any Japanese harbor.

Prostitutes Gotsucho the event of the death of a British subject, no matter in what part of Japan it may occur, his property and all other belongings Prostitutes Gotsucho be safeguarded and delivered to his relatives. Prostitutes Gotsucho a British subject commits a crime in Japan, he will Prostitutes Gotsucho delivered Prostitutes Gotsucho the chief British officers, who will mete out due punishment in accordance with the nature of the offense.

In the early part of the seventeenth century, traders from the two Catholic nations and the two Protestant ones, also, came from Europe to engage in trade in Japan.

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Spanish Prostitutes Gotsucho Portu- guese traders from the very beginning maintained close rela- tions with the Catholic priests from their respective countries; the traders and priests cooperated as if trade and religion Prostitutes Gotsucho inseparable. The Dutch and British traders, on the contrary, came to Prostitutes Gotsucho solely for purposes of trade, without any inten- tion of introducing Christianity; neither did Protestant minis- ters in these countries have any intention of coming to Japan to engage in missionary work.

Hence, Prostitutes Gotsucho the Prostitutes Gotsucho and eighteenth centuries Protestantism was entirely unknown to the Japanese.

Trade rivalry and a feeling of enmity existed not only between trad- ers who came from the Catholic and the Protestant countries, but Prostitutes Gotsucho between the Dutch and British traders, and between the Portuguese and Spanish traders, vrho were far from friendly toward each other.

The cause of this trouble may oe traced to the Dutch. With the hope of monopolizing the Japanese trade, the Dutch traders, backed by their government, on several occasions approached lyeyasu and his government, advising and urging that the other European traders should be driven from Japan.

The Dutch traders always tried to impress upon lyeyasu that the Catholic priests in Japan had been sent there not for religious purposes, but as secret agents of their respective governments, with a view to the reducing of Japan Prostitutes Gotsucho vassalage. As already indicated, some decades prior to the coming of the Dutch traders to Japan, both Hideyoshi and lyeyasu had become convinced Prostitutes Gotsucho the teachings and doctrines of Chris- tianity could not coexist with the national usages of Japan.

Having received a report from the local government regarding this disaster, Hideyoshi sent his chief officer, Masuda, to Urado. Thereupon, he showed a map of the world to Masuda and explained to him, by pointing out her territorial possessions in all parts of the world, that Spain was the greatest of nations, and then threatened Masuda, say- ing that if Japan dealt unkindly and unjustifiably with the subjects of this powerful Spanish kingdom, due punishment would be meted out to her.

However, all these efforts failed to bring about the desired results.

Masuda was greatly astonished at the vast dominion under the control of Spain. He asked the captain how the king Prostitutes Gotsucho Spain had come to own and rule such extensive territory all over the world. Prostitutes Gotsucho he wishes to reduce a nation to the con- dition of a vassal state, he first sends Catholic priests to convert the natives.

Then, with the cooperation of the na- tive converts, the troops of the king conquer the land and make it a vassal state of the king of Spain! With the coming of the Dutch traders in the seventeenth century, the Dutch and Spanish traders Prostitutes Gotsucho Japan not only be- came trade rivals; they also nursed the national enmities that existed in Europe, regarding each other as enemies.

The Span- ish traders advised the Japanese not to associate with the Dutch traders and stated Prostitutes Gotsucho the Dutch were a people who made piracy their profession. At the same time, the Dutch traders were warning the Japanese against Spanish intrigues, declaring that the Spanish were an exceedingly self-centered and aggres- sive people, whose king made it a practice to seize the territory of other nations and to deprive them of their independence.

Whenever a Spanish envoy came to Japan, he always requested that lyeyasu and his government drive all the Dutch people out, not permiting a single Dutchman to remain. The Dutch people are both traitors to and national enemies of the King of Spain. The Great Ruler of Japan Prostitutes Gotsucho not protect pirates and robbers. Therefore, aU the Dutch traders in Japan should be immediately expelled!

In Jacques Spex, a Dutch envoy, came to Japan and told lyeyasu that the national prac- tice of Spain and Portugal was to send Christian missionaries to a foreign country to convert the natives, and, after these priests had established Christian influence among the people, to send troops to conquer the nation with Prostitutes Gotsucho cooperation of Prostitutes Gotsucho Christian converts.

In Hendrik Brouwer, a Dutch en- voy, came to Japan and presented to lyeyasu a document which contained a full account of how Spain and Portugal used the propagation of Christianity in foreign countries as a means of conquering them.

In those days almost all the prominent ad- visors of lyeyasu and men of power Prostitutes Gotsucho his government were Buddhist, Shinto, or Confucian scholars. They came more and more under the influence of the Prostitutes Gotsucho traders and envoys, who warned them of the Spanish and Portuguese plots, Prostitutes Gotsucho they finally came Prostitutes Gotsucho believe that the Spanish and Portuguese priests in Japan were the secret agents of their respective kings.

He said that the Spanish priests in Japan were abundantly provided annually with gold, silver, and various Prostitutes Gotsucho of precious goods by their ruler so that they might have money to enable them Prostitutes Gotsucho gain special privileges in leasing land, building churches, and Prostitutes Gotsucho the natives.

He then outlined how Spain had come to rule the Philippines, Nueva Espana, and other countries by first sending priests to convert the natives, and later, troops to conquer these coun- tries.

He said that the real purpose of the propagation of Christianity was to annex other countries to Spain. This infor- mation made a great impression upon lyeyasu, the more so because he had already received similar warnings from the Dutch envoys and traders. However, because of his strong Prostitutes Gotsucho that trade with Spain and Portugual was insepara- ble from Christian religious activity in Japan, he tolerated Christianity and gave freedom and protection to the Christian priests.

At the same time, Japanese trade with non-Catholic nations, such as England and Holland, was carried on success- fully. The trade with the districts in southern Asia and in the South Sea was also increasingly prosperous. He therefore changed his policy and attitude toward Christianity and its priests. His changed course may in part be accounted for by the fact that as early as the beginning of Spain's attempt to expand her territory through the influence of Christianity on the native converts had already gained ground.

William Adams, the sole Occidental advisor to lyeyasu, fre- quently approached him and stated that the purpose of the Spanish priests in Japan was not to explain the way of sal- Prostitutes Gotsucho through Christ to the Japanese and thereby to save their souls, but rather to convert the Prostitutes Gotsucho to Christianity so that through their cooperation the king of Spain might con- quer Japan.

He said that the Prostitutes Gotsucho priests in Japan were merely duplicating what their predecessors had done Prostitutes Gotsucho Peru, Prostitutes Gotsucho Nueva Espana, and in other parts of Prostitutes Gotsucho.

Shozabura Goto, Prostitutes Gotsucho had once been sent by lyeyasu to Nueva Espana to inquire into trade conditions, and Sahei Hasagawa, the gov- ernor of Nagasaki, both Prostitutes Gotsucho whom were trusted councilors Prostitutes Gotsucho lyeyasu, reported to him their investigations and findings with regard to conditions among the Christians, as well as with re- gard to prospects of trade with Japan. In fact, those Christian priests were paving the way for their countries finally to conquer Japan.

Upon making a thoiough search of the ship, the Dutch found an important document disclosing a secret conspiracy of the Christians in Kyushu. The captain of the Dutch war vessel came to Hirado and presented Prostitutes Gotsucho docu- ment to the Japanese government through Lord Matsuura, the ruler of Hirado.

The document proved to be a petition pre- sented to the Portuguese throne by Captain Moro, a Portu- guese residing in Nagasaki. In his petition Captain Moro stated that all the Christian converts in Kyushu, with the coopera- tion of the Portuguese in Japan, and supported by some of the leaders in Japan, had formulated a plan Prostitutes Gotsucho assassinate lyeyasu and overthrow his government with the purpose of making Japan a Christian nation, and Prostitutes Gotsucho therefore they had decided to petition the king of Portugal, asking that Prostitutes Gotsucho send a large military force together with ships loaded with abundant mili- tary supplies and provisions.

A few years later, all the Japanese who were reputed to have been implicated in this plot were likewise arrested and executed. In June,Vizcaino, the Spanish envoy, came to Japan. Under the personal supervision of this Spanish envoy, the northeastern coast of Japan, from Uraga to Sendai, was sounded. Later, the envoy chartered a fleet of ships and made a complete survey of the northeastern coast of the island of Honshu the main island and mapped the locations and sizes of all the important bays and harbors; several months were spent in completing this work.

The Dutch and British traders took advantage of the opportunity to misrepresent the Spanish. Their representatives, assisted by William Adams and Jan Jos- ten, the English and Dutch advisors of lyeyasu, warned him of Spanish military ambitions and activities which might pos- sibly culminate in an invasion of Japan.

They stated that in Europe the sounding of coasts and the making of maps of har- bors and ports of one country by the nationals of another was always regarded as the first movement toward military activity, Prostitutes Gotsucho therefore was not permitted. They said further that Spain made it her traditional ambition to encroach upon and con- quer other nations by employing Christian priests Prostitutes Gotsucho her spies and agents, and that in fact Spain had employed both military strength and Christian influence in her conquest of the Philip- pines, of various districts in East India, and of various parts of America, and that because the coming Prostitutes Gotsucho the priests was always a forerunner Prostitutes Gotsucho Spanish invasion, Holland, Germany, and other European nations had already banished all Chris- tian priests sent from Spain and Portugal.

This series of happenings, and the information regarding the priests and the activities of Spain and Portugal that was received by lyeyasu in alone, caused him seriously to con- sider the expulsion of all the Christian priests in Prostitutes Gotsucho and the extirpation of Christianity therein.

Both these distin- guished Christians were convicted. On March 21, lyeyasu ordered both Lord Prostitutes Gotsucho and Okamoto to be put to death; he had concluded that these two distinguished Japanese, who had Prostitutes Gotsucho high and responsible positions, had committed grave crimes and had dared to disregard the law of the nation by rea- son of the fact that they were Christians.

And on that same day he promulgated the Anti-Christian Law and put it in force. But although lyeyasu had decided upon the extermination of Christianity in Japan, he had not the slightest idea of closing Japan to traders from Christian nations.

He planned to Prostitutes Gotsucho the entire nation to traders from all parts of the world. Prostitutes Gotsucho on, lyeyasu pursued a policy which had been traditional from the time of Hideyoshi: 1. Because Christianity and the national independence of Japan could not coexist, Christianity in Japan should be eradi- cated. For this purpose lyeyasu framed and promulgated an anti-Christian law more elaborate even than that of Hideyoshi. Like Hideyoshi, lyeyasu was fully convinced that Chris- tianity and trade would be readily differentiated, and that therefore they should be dealt with separately and differently in strict accordance with the national policy of Japan.

Therefore, the Christian priests in Japan should Prostitutes Gotsucho be driven out and their religious work Prostitutes Gotsucho undone. All the native Christians should be induced to renounce their faith or be put to death.

All trade ships should be welcomed and every possible Prostitutes Gotsucho cility afforded them so that Japan might become one of the great trade centers of the world. He therefore disregarded Hideyoshi's anti-Chris- Prostitutes Gotsucho law and pursued a policv of toleration, dealing liberally with Christian priests from both Spain and Portugal.

Conse- quently, during the succeeding period of twelve years Chris- tianity in Japan gained a great ascendancy. Prostitutes Gotsuchowhen Iyeyasu found it Prostitutes Gotsucho to promulgate his own anti-Chris- tian law, Christianity had spread throughout the nation.

Such prominent feudal lords as Otomo, Prostitutes Gotsucho, Arima, Takayama, and Naito made it known that they were devout Christians. The powerful and wealthy feudal lords Mayeda, Hosokawa, Nabeshima, Fukushima, and Tanaka were numbered among those who protected the Christians. Outstanding statesmen and trusted officers in lyeyasu's government, such as Itakura and Honda, were sympathizers with the Christians. A number of pious Christians were found even among the bodyguard of lye- yasu and of Hidetada, his son, and among the ladies-in-waiting in the palace of Iyeyasu in Sumpu.

He arrested, exiled, or put to death more than two hundred notable Christians, including members of his bodyguard and some of the ladies-in-waiting in his palace. He sent trusted officers to various parts Prostitutes Gotsucho Japan to suppress the Christian movement, and Prostitutes Gotsucho the same time sent influential Buddhist priests to Kyushu and elsewhere for the purpose of persuading the Christians to renounce their faith.

They respected the Christian tenets, and ignored Prostitutes Gotsucho very ex- istence of both the government of Japan and the national tradi- tions. They neither obeyed nor feared the laws of the nation. They welcomed death at the stake or by crucifixion, believ- ing that shedding blood for their faith was the surest and short- est road to salvation. Whenever a Christian was executed in a public place, other Christians, though it meant risking ar- rest, crowded around the dying man and picked up pieces of his garments to be cherished as sacred relies.

In lact, Japanese Christians learned not to fear fire, water, or rhe shedding of blood for the cause of their faith. The anti-Christian law promulgated by lyeyasu was thus un- successful. Moreover, its enforcement was not nation-wide, but was applied only in the Prostitutes Gotsucho, provinces, and districts that were under the direct control of lyeyasu and his government. All the local feudal governments were privileged to use their own discretion; consequently, while some feudal lords who wished to buy the good will of lyeyasu enforced the law in their prov- inces, others not only refrained from interfering with Christian workers in theirs, but often showed great sympathy with them, even going so far as to offer them refuge.

Moreover, the Spanish and Portuguese priests who had been driven away from Japan returned accompanied by others, all disguised as traders. They engaged in missionary work, making the Spanish and Portuguese settlements their headquarters. After hav- ing enforced as well as he could his Anti-Christian Law of i6i 2 for about a year and a half, lyeyasu found his efforts futile. His aim was to make his new regulation nation-wide by enforcing it in all the prov- inces under the control of the feudal lords, as well as in his own provinces.

Because this was a grave and urgent national prob- lem, Suden spent the whole Prostitutes Gotsucho in writing Prostitutes Gotsucho preamble. He completed it by morning, and presented it to lyeyasu for ap- proval. It is also the land of Buddha. The Shinto Deities and Buddha are one and the same Divine Being [when viewed in accordance with the Buddhistic theory of incarnation].

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Christianity has been introduced into our sacred land, which has long maintained a prosperous and happy existence, enjoying law and order. Christian people from lands far beyond the sea have not only sent Prostitutes Gotsucho to us for the purpose of engaging in trade with us, but also have intro- duced this evil Prostitutes Gotsucho which opposes our sacred and divine laws.

They have even dared to show their hand in our political affairs, thus confronting Prostitutes Gotsucho with a great national crisis. The Prostitutes Gotsucho teaching from the Christian lands must be completely done away with, and no single inch of Japanese land left to it to re- vive upon. Japan, the land of the Shinto Deities and of Buddha, has always revered and prayed to those divinities. Its people have thereby learned to live upright and noble lives, discrimi- nating between right and Prostitutes Gotsucho, and between evil and worthy works.

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Christians, on the contrary, Prostitutes Gotsucho a man who com- mitted crimes and was therefore prosecuted. This Being is the enemy of the Shinto Gods and of Buddha. We must promptly and rigorously drive from our land the persons who hold to this teaching. Otherwise, we shall suffer the divine punishment of Buddha and of the Shinto Deities!

Many of the local feudal governments showed a keen desire to co- operate; but some did not, and lyeyasu found it necessary to deprive of lands, rank, and title, and send into Prostitutes Gotsucho, a few of the feudal lords, reputed to be staunch friends cf the Christians, who had offered shelter to Christian refugees in their districts.

Consequently, the Anti-Christian Law of was enforced on a nation-wide scale. Within one month after the promulgation of the law, lye- yasu instructed the governor of Kyoto to force all the foreign Christian priests in Kyoto and the surrounding districts to go to Nagasaki, where seven large ships were waiting to carry them to their respective homelands.

Within eight months, lyeyasu exiled Portuguese priests of the Jesuit Order to Macao, and Spanish priests of the Franciscan, Dominican, and Augustine orders, together with a number of Japanese Christians, to Ma- nila, planning thus to clear Japan of Prostitutes Gotsucho missionary workers and then to destroy all their converts. However, the Japanese Chris- tians in the seventeenth century were unafraid of death, and died cheerfully as witnesses to their faith.

Both the law and the authority of the government were powerless Prostitutes Gotsucho them. He pursued the course of seeking to impress upon the Prostitutes Gotsucho tians the fact that death would not be their sole punishment. He decreed cruel methods of punishment so that not only the Christians, but also the Japanese people in general, might know how those Prostitutes Gotsucho became Christians must suffer.

Some of the Christians Prostitutes Gotsucho refused to renounce their faith were seized and their fingers were cut off; or the muscles of their arms and legs were removed, a large sign of the cross was branded upon their foreheads, and they were then liberated, to suffer linger- ing agony and finally death. Others, as Prostitutes Gotsucho as they were ar- rested, were thrown into bags made of rice straw, only their heads being left exposed, and Prostitutes Gotsucho piled one above another Prostitutes Gotsucho the roadside in the hot sun; and if, Prostitutes Gotsucho several days of suffer- ing, they still refused to renounce their faith, they were either beheaded or crucified.

In some districts all the Christians who refused to renounce their faith were gathered in front of their church, government officials burned the edifice, and then made a circle of flame around the group of Christians, thus to kill them slowly by fire. Such tortures and tribulations were merely the beginnings of the suffering of Christians in Japan.

In fact, tliey were sub- jected to increasingly brutal tortures for nearly a quarter-cen- tury—untilwhen Prostitutes Gotsucho was practically blotted out and Prostitutes Gotsucho nation entered the Period of Absolute Seclusion.

As he was Prostitutes Gotsucho approaching the end of his life, Hideyori, who was but five years old when Hideyoshi, his father, entrusted him to lye- yasu, had now grown into a brilliant young man of great prom- ise. He concluded that it would be imperative for the sake both of his family and of his government to do away with Hideyori before he himself should die; and in October,he forced war upon him.

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Hideyori had his military headquarters in the Osaka castle which had been built Prostitutes Gotsucho the great military genius Hideyoshi Prostitutes Gotsucho had long been known as the largest and most impenetrable stronghold in Japan. He therefore made proposals of peace to Hideyori, who reluctantly accepted them. On December 22,a treaty of peace was signed.

Two days afterward, lyeyasu interpreted the terms of Prostitutes Gotsucho treaty to suit himself. Moreover, on the grounds that Hideyori did not need any works of defense Prostitutes Gotsucho that peace had been restored, lyeyasu sent his fighting men to the Osaka castle and had them destroy Prostitutes Gotsucho walls and fill up all moats and ditches, thus rendering it defenseless.

On April 28,lyeyasu and his son Hidetada completed their military preparations, and on May 5 the actual military movements were begun. Because this sec- ond war was started before Hideyori had completed his mili- Prostitutes Gotsucho preparations, and also because his stronghold had been dismantled, he was doomed.

On the following day, lyeyasu forced Prostitutes Gotsucho and his mother, Prostitutes Gotsucho with twenty- five personal attendants, to commit Prostitutes Gotsucho. Hideyori had a son and a daughter, both of whom had es- caped from the Osaka castle before it was taken. Prostitution is illegal in Japan. Telephones of Girls Onomichi Japan Search for prostitutes from Hiroshima Hookers including Onomichi and nearby cities, Innoshima 10 kmMihara 11 kmFukuyama 16 kmFuchucho 18 kmKannabecho-yahiro 25 kmTakehara 28 kmKasaoka 29 kmIbara 31 kmKamogatacho-kamogata 38 kmNiihama 50 kmTadotsu 52 kmShobara 52 kmHojo 54 kmMiyoshi 54 kmSaijo 54 kmKawanoecho 55 kmKurashiki 55 kmMarugame 56 kmTakahashi 56 kmSoja 57 kmSakaidecho 58 kmKure 61 kmNiimi 67 kmTamano 68 kmHiroshima-shi 68 kmIkedacho 69 kmOkayama-shi 70 kmMatsuyama 75 kmTakamatsu-shi 77 kmKan'onjicho 77 kmHatsukaichi 80 kmMasaki-cho 82 kmMiyajima 83 Prostitutes GotsuchoIyo 85 kmOno-hara 86 kmShido 89 kmTonosho 90 kmOtake 92 kmIwakuni 94 km.

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He completed it by morning, and presented it to lyeyasu for ap- proval. The Span- ish traders advised the Japanese not to associate with the Dutch traders and stated that the Dutch were a people who made piracy their profession.
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On the other hand, traders from Prostitutes Gotsucho nations would be welcomed provided they kept their hands off religious matters. In Hideyoshi died, at the age of sixty-three Prostitutes Gotsucho, with- out having accomplished his long-cherished ambition of world dominion; neither had he been able even to check the spread of Christianity, although he firmly believed that Christianity and the national existence of Japan were incompatible. Christianity has been introduced into our sacred land, which has long maintained a prosperous and happy existence, enjoying law and order. Its people have thereby learned Prostitutes Gotsucho live upright and noble lives, discrimi- nating between right and wrong, and between evil and worthy works. Video Audio icon An illustration Prostitutes Gotsucho an audio speaker. He decided that the final extermination of Christianity should not be delayed any Prostitutes Gotsucho, and to that end he issued many severe ordinances and regulations.

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