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Prostitutes, Courtesans and Dancing Girls: Women Entertainers in Safavid iran

Utrecht, 17l2 , l According to his theory, the only sensible way to stop the infections, or to bring them down to a tolerable level, was the official determination of the source of the infection - the prostitutes - and their healing, not just that of the soldiers and the city Prostitutes Lemgo bear the costs. The term kawli is thought to be a Prostitutes Lemgo of here, "from Kabul.

All travellers should make this a routine vaccination. These high-class public women showed their faces in public when they went out riding on horseback accompanied by servants. Prostitutes Only one contemporary Iranian author, the renegade Oruch Beg, who after his conversion to Christianity became known as Don Juan, is Prostitutes Lemgo on the topic of prostitution in his Prostitutes Lemgo of origin.

Dunlop, J. Jakob Prostitutes, an Austrian physician and long-time resident of Iran in the mid-nineteenth century, asserted that, unlike the country's city dwellers, Qazvin country folk, Qazvin especially the country's nomads, had a reputation for moral probity-the exception being the Susmani tribe of Kurdistan, whose women Prostitutes Lemgo infamous as dancers and prostitutes, and 16 Don Juan ofPersi4 Don Juan of Persia.

By Prostitutes Rudi Matthee.

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Bom in Armenia and displaced to Isfahan Prostitutes Lemgo part of the resettlement of the Julfan Armenians inGhazal became one of Shah 'Abbas's favorite female entertainers, though she never converted to Qazvin There were three Prostitutes Lemgo. Prostitutes, fees not included for deals content. Few of them would retire in comfortable circumstances, since Prostitutes opulent life style tended to impoverish them.

One features a woman in a diaphanous blouse. It explores pros- titution from a comparative angle, as a phenomenon that is at all times and societies shot through with tensions, between lust, piety, and political control, between concupiscence, religious admonition and the need for social order-tensions that tend to resolve themselves in an ambivalent resignation blending clerical casuistry, Prostitutes Lemgo hypocrisy, and govem- mental pragmatism.

An occupation with as long a pedigree in Iran as anywhere else, prostitution does not figure prominently in the annalistic sources of the Safavid period and, when it is mentioned, it is mostly in the form of bans promulgatedinfarmans royal decrees that by definition involve theory and Prostitutes Lemgo rather than practice and reality. In the absence of surviving court records, ego-documents, Prostitutes Lemgo sources narrating the period's social history, and with only a few visual images Prostitutes Lemgo the occasional nega- tive textual reference available, Safavid prostitution would virtually remain a closed chapter were it not Prostitutes Lemgo accounts by Westerners visiting the coun- r2 Della Yalle, viaggi, The painting appears as olate 3.

Forageneral, illustrated overview oferotica in Iranian art history, see Robert Surieu, Sarve naz: Essai sur les Prostitutes Lemgo drotiques et I'amour dans I'lran d'autrefois Geneva-Paris- Munich. As it happens, some of these visitors went far beyond the casual remark on the subject, and Prostitutes Lemgo of their observations are extremely informative and, as importantly, remarkably free from the voyeuristic disapproval that was to characterize the writings of many Prostitutes Lemgo their nineteenth-century suc- cessors.

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Their writings, combined with the information culled from Persian sources, make it possible to draw a portrait of at least the outward mani- festations of an aspect of Safavid society that was conspicuously present in urban life. Prostitutes Only one contemporary Iranian author, Prostitutes Lemgo renegade Oruch Beg, who after his conversion to Christianity became known as Don Juan, is outspoken Prostitutes Lemgo the topic of prostitution in his country of origin.

The city had previously brought other properties in the street as they became available, as part of the district's urban re-development.

In a curious passage he claims that "in Persia, unlike other countries Prostitutes Lemgo the Mahomedan nations, there is never seen Prostitutes Lemgo great number of public women. Their husbands, he insists, would "take them to the house of any Persian with whom the woman has engaged to pass the night; and on the morrow the husband will duly appear to carry away the wife.

In Persian literature gypsies are presented as professional musicians and their women as entertainers and, more specifically, as performers of music and dance. In a story told by various authors, among them Ferdawsi, the author of the national Iranian epic, the Shahnameh, it is claimed that they were first brought Prostitutes Lemgo Iran by the Sasanian King Bahram Gur.

Shangal for dancers and singers and received 4, gypsies in Prostitutes Lemgo. Jakob Polak, an Prostitutes Lemgo physician and long-time resident of Iran in the mid-nineteenth century, asserted that, unlike the country's city dwellers, Iran's country folk, and especially the country's nomads, had a reputation for moral probity-the exception being the Susmani tribe of Kurdistan, whose women were infamous as dancers and prostitutes, and 16 Don Juan ofPersi4 Don Juan of Persia.

A Shi'ah Catholic Itrans. Le Strange London,Minor- sky, "Luli," Encyclopaedia of Islam,2nd ed. Other versions of the same story mention numbers Prostitutes Lemgo 4, 6, and 12, Knapp is more specific.

The Rampenloch is a street in the East Westphalian city of Minden in the German state of North a long time the street consisted almost exclusively of the brothels are gone and the street is to be redeveloped. The history of prostitution in Minden can be traced back to the Middle Ages. The first written records come from this time; it attracted . dear gentlemans,if you are looking unforgettable time for fun prostitutes lemgo in russia,i am busty, elegant, funny and classy name prostitutes lemgo elena,and i am perfect .

Visiting Ardalan as a member of a British mission inhe noted that the Susmani were a gypsy tribe originating in India. Their men, il he added, acted as Prostitutes Lemgo, while their women were engaged in dancing. Prostitutes Lemgo further claimed that they were in the habit of letting their women prostitute themselves, Prostitutes Lemgo confirming Don Juan's assertion.

Lycklama a Nijeholt, who attended a performance of the dancing and singing girls of the Susmani tribe in one of their villages near Senneh in Kurdistan, also commented on their penchant for prostitution.

These people, he claimed, were I Prostitutes Lemgo who went about in rags and lived in a state of total squalor, sloth and sexual promiscuity.

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The very word kawli, Chardin insisted, had be- Prostitutes Lemgo synonymous with an execrable and especially incestuous human I being.

The Augustinian missionary Diego di I Santa Prostitutes Lemgo, writing inreported that prostitutes in the Safavid capital I could be seen in full view in the streets and in public shops. The term kawli is thought to be a comrption of kabuli, "from Kabul.

See also Zoka. Kawli va zendegi-ye Prostitutes Lemgo, Paris and Amsterdam,'75, In a recent article, Farzaneh Milani shows how for modem lranian women writers the gypsy woman has come to represent freedom from spatial constraints, a challenge to hierarchy and the Prostitutes Lemgo offeminine codes, and to symbolize the authors' own search for "artistic autonomy, freedom of expression, and sexual and textual desegregation.

The red light district of the capital lay elsewhere, in an area behind the Prostitutes Lemgo of the Dutch East India Company, which one entered at the site of the Madraseh-ye Safaviyeh and exited at the Fath Allah mosque. The area was composed of three streets and seven caravanserais, called the caravanserais of the unveiled bi hejabi? After dusk, prostitutes would scatter throughout the city and especially into the caravanserais, looking for action.

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Unregistered public women operated in their homes. Prostitutes Lemgo famously quotes a figure of 14, registered prostitutes for the capital alone, who paid the substantial sum of over Prostitutes Lemgo, tomans in taxes, According to him, just as many went unregistered, plying their trade in secrecy because they did not want to be on record as being public women.

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The authorities, Chardin claims, were happy to connive at this because of the handsome sum this generated for them, which exceeded the Prostitutes Lemgo vice taxes.

Given a population of perhapsand assuming an equal gender division, 14, prosti- tutes would have had between 5 and 6 percent of all female inhabitants, and perhaps 10 percent ofthose between the ages of say, fifteen and thirty, engaged in the vice trade. Shiraz, the capital of the Zand dynasty in the s and s, presents a much more staggering picture, if we are to believe the figures given by Rostam al-Hokama.

According Prostitutes Lemgo this chroni- Prostitutes Lemgo, Karim Khan Zand settled Prostitutes Lemgo 5, to 6, prostitutes in his capital, a town with an estimated population of merely 40, souls. Tavernier, en Prostitutes Lemgo, en Perse, et aux Indes,2 vots.

Utrecht, 17l2l Perry, Karim Khan Zand. A History of lran, I I Chicago, Prostitutes, Courtesans, and Dancing Girls cial sex.

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Writing in the s, he supports Chardin who may have obtained the number from him by giving a figure of 14, public women recorded in the Prostitutes Lemgo registers for the Safavid capital. According to the report: Itis said that in this city there are 12, loose women over and Prostitutes Lemgo the married ones, who must appear before the darugheh each month and who have to pay great tribute according to their beauty and the extent to which they are in demand' Many of these women have great assets, are draped in precious gold cloth or wear gold and pearls, often go riding with their horses equipped with gold bridles and other decorations, with two or three servants ac- iompanying them on foot.

London, It is, ofcourse, possible that 40, is a typographical enor for 14, Walther r3 Hinz Tiibingen, 7 Beschrijvinge van de coninclijcke stadt Spahan," in L. One obvious factor Prostitutes Lemgo the status of Prostitutes Lemgo as the country's capital.

As Iran's principal center of politics, trade and military affairs, the city naturally attracted a disproportionally large number of outside visitors seeking entertainment in Prostitutes Lemgo many tavems and brothels. Another stimulus was clearly the stake the state had in the business, which went Prostitutes Lemgo the licensed brothel of pre-Reformation Europe and the municipal regulation of the sex trade in much of nineteenth-century Western Europe and Impe- rial Russia.

Prostitution had been taxed from Prostitutes Lemgo Safavid times. The Venetian merchant Francesco Romano, visiting Tabriz during the reign of Shah Esma'il, noted that "[T]he harlots, who frequent the public places, are bound to pay according to their beauty, as the prettier they are the more they have to pay.

All the money they collect is for the private advan- tage of the revenue-farmers, and no difference is made between Christian and Mussulmans in going to the prostitutes. Indeed, bordellos were not only regulated, but operated in the open and to all outside observers appeared as an integral part ofthe Safavid social and politicalfabric.

The institutionalized character of the relation- ship between the state and the Prostitutes Lemgo trade, moreover, is evidenced by the fact that the public women of Isfahan formed a professional, state- controlled association, and that they paid taxes.

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These were collected by the mash'aldar-bashi, the official in charge of all those engaged in enter- tainment, who spent the Prostitutes Lemgo on his other responsibilities, city lighting and official fireworks. When the Holstein delegation traveled through Shamakhi, the capital of Shirvan, one of the soldiers visited one of the city's brothels and left without paying.

A complaint about this reached the khan of the town, who admonished the leader of the mission to pay up with the argument that, since the women had to pay a large tribute, it was no more than reasonable that they would receive their money. Prostitutes, Courtesans, and Dancing Girls cant source of income Prostitutes Lemgo the state, but also provided a Prostitutes Lemgo function by being attached to the royal army, which they followed on campaigns. These high-class public women showed their faces in public when they went out riding on horseback accompanied by servants.

Courtesans wore precious clothes, and one source insists that those who wanted to be seen as "reputed whores" wore dresses with a large seam, whereas "honest women have no borders to their sheets. William Foster New York, Offering the company of women to high-ranking non-Muslim guests was not unusual in Safavid Iran.

Shah Esma'il in dispatched a "white and very beautiful woman. Tavernier, too, having been entertained by Shah 'Abbas II, was asked by Prostitutes Lemgo King to make a choice between a dozen beautiful courte- sans.

Musa Beg, who from to visited Holland as Shah 'Abbas's representative, made himself rather unpopular with the Dutch authorities on account of his womanizing, among other things. Chardin was ambivalent about the position of Islam on Prostitutes Lemgo, now calling it a Prostitutes Lemgo and a practice Prostitutes Lemgo by religion,5t now asserting that, though it condemned fomication as improper and infamous, the Muslim religion did not consider it a sin.

At night, he said, walking though the relig- ious colleges and mosques, one saw public women, veiled, some accompa- nied by their servants, Prostitutes Lemgo alone, enter the small lodgings of preachers and teachers, where they would stay until the following Prostitutes Lemgo. No one, he added, took any offense at this. The same was true in the caravanserais, where Prostitutes Lemgo merchants would seek sexual relief Prostitutes Lemgo women.

The drawing depicts a prostitute, qahbeh, in a Prostitutes Lemgo of ease and relaxation, with a pensive look, smoking a water pipe while holding a cup of coffee in one hand. Implying that prostitutes and a6 In Ronald Bishop Smith,?

Prostitutes, Courtesans, and Dancing Girls clerics did not live in separate worlds, the artist juxtaposes the woman to a molla who, while seemingly engrossed in his religious text, steals furtive glances at her.

The women thus described and portrayed were probably sighehs, women who agreed to a temporary marriage, contracted on the basis of Shi'i law, of a specific and limited duration. Chardin in his description calls attention to this, while suggesting the fine line that existed between outright prostitution and temporary marriage, mut'eh, as reflected in the Prostitutes Lemgo syllogisms used by lranians to justif, prostitution.

Prostitutes Lemgo, they argued, Prostitutes Lemgo in a state of sin, from which they could Prostitutes Lemgo free themselves t by repenting, that is, by leaving their dissolute life behind. At the same time, their infidel state was the reason why they were held to pay tribute. Secondly, they argued, being with an unmarried woman was a sin, Prostitutes Lemgo which one could only be absolved by marrying her.

Premod- ern Iran was no different. The tenth-century Buyid ruler'Adud al-Dawla I instituted a brothel in Baghdad with the aim of improving his revenues and of "protecting his subjects against the passions of his unmanied soldiers'"55 I As Rostam al-Hokama explains it, Karim Khan Zand settled a great many prostitutes in a special quarter of Shiraz, so that the Prostitutes Lemgo of the popu- lation and "especially the virtuous, the pious and the wholesome" might be spared the "temptation and the evil of the depraved and the corrupt.

The religious estab- lishment generally put up little resistance to such govemmental permis- siveness. In fact, the participation ofthe clergy in public Prostitutes Lemgo hints at their fundamental acquiescence in and quiet endorsement of a practice that, as long as fornication-sex between unmarried men Prostitutes Lemgo women- rather than adultery--extramarital sex-was involved and could be kept under control, safeguarded rather than upset the social order by limiting the incidence of adultery.

Official religion, operating from the widely held assumption that male sexual energr had to be channeled in ways that would not jeopardize the dominant marital structure, has often condoned commer- to lbid. From Antiquity Prostitutes Lemgo modem times, variations on Prostitutes Lemgo reasoning have led religious authorities from St. Augustine to the current Shi'i ulama in Iran to wam against abolishing carefully controlled prostitution or to endorse it as a regulated outlet for the physiological needs of Prostitutes Lemgo.

It is no exaggeration to speak of a symbiosis of opposites here, a situation whereby the upper-class woman in the litter concealed from the male gaze presupposes the "dishonorable" female ready to respond to male lust, where the one can only exist and be ideologically validated by virtue of its antithesis, which it denies yet depends on. On the supply side, prostitution is always more about business than about lust.

Raphael du Mans, by refening to economic necessity, provides us with an additional and perhaps the most compelling clue to the large Prostitutes Lemgo of public women Prostitutes Lemgo Isfahan.

The paving, which is now unique in Minden, is also included in the register of historic monuments.

Du Mans plausibly attributes the multitude of prostitutes in Iran to the high divorce rate in the country. Men, he explained, had a way of forcing their wives out without repaying them part Prostitutes Lemgo even any of the obligatory dowry by making their lives so unbear- able that they would leave of their Prostitutes Lemgo accord and empty-handed, thereby swelling the ranks of public women.

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Many of those Prostitutes Lemgo up in officially sanctioned brothels, where, according to the French cleric, they lost Prostitutes Lemgo youth and where halfofthem ended up incurring a venereal disease atesh- e farangi, western fire.

Just as certain caravanserais in Isfahan were known for commercial sex, public women were to be found in the hostels that lined the main trade and travel routes throughout Iran.

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Kaempfer gives us a good example of the opportunities Prostitutes Lemgo camal enjoyment available to the long-distance traveler. Traveling between Isfahan and Bandar 'Abbas, he stayed at the caravanserai Shah Hosayn in the small town of Sahebshah, south of Jahrom in Fars, on the way to Lar, and found it dominated bv prostitutes. The reasons for Iran's Prostitutes Lemgo leaders to justi!

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Chardin, Voyages, suggests that divorce was Prostitutes Lemgo less common, but corroborates du Mans's Prostitutes Lemgo by stating that men Prostitutes Lemgo wanted to get rid of their wives without retuming their dowries would often treat them so badly that they would have no choice but to seek a divorce and sacrifice their dowry for their freedom.

Ardabil had long been known for the piety of its inhabitants, and local concerns about an Prostitutes Lemgo in prostitution and other ineligious practices go back to the period following the death of Shaykh Safi in Lemgo Wiesbaden,I Voyages, l.

Poser's observations are from Sozial- und Wirtschafts- g. Jahrhunderl Stuttgart,57, Struys, Drie aanmerkelijke en seer rampspoedige Prostitutes Lemgo door ltalie, Grieken- landt, Lijflandt, Moscovien, Tartarijen, Meden, Persien, Oost-lndien, Japan, en verscheyden andere gewesten Amsterdam, None, he claims, would offer their services for less than one toman. One toman represented an exorbitant sum in a country whose annual royal revenue in the seventeenth century was saidto amountto sometomans, and in a society where the average menial laborer made 35 mahmudis a month, amounting to some 4 tomans a year, and where even officials attached to the court Prostitutes Lemgo not ordinarily eam more than 50 tomans a year.

Prostitutes Lemgo, trying to explain what he calls an incomprehensibly steep price given the fact that religion permified the purchase of female slaves and the acquisition of numerous concubines, blames a combination of an Iranian love of luxury and the bewitching seductiveness ofthe courtesans oflsfahan.

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His descriptions ofsuch courte- sans allude to the class character of the trade. Prostitutes, he noted, would come to one's house on horseback accompanied by one or two servants. Equally suggestive are his remarks about the clientele of such escorts, which consisted, in his words, of men of the sword and the young nobility that operated in the court's orbit. In sum, while there can be little doubt that high-class prostitution was as expensive as some observers claim, it is equally clear that the ones mentioned and described by Chardin and most of Prostitutes Lemgo fellow travelers did not cover the Prostitutes Lemgo spectrum.

Besides, if the average prostitute had charged one toman or more per customer, the state surely would have Prostitutes Lemgo more than a total sum of 13, tomans in taxes, or approximately one toman for each woman operating in Isfahan if we accept a number of 12, to 14, prostitutes.

Left out of this Prostitutes Lemgo are those women who served the common man and who, aside from operating from brothels, working in their homes and serving Prostitutes Lemgo on campaign, advertised their charms in public and for a modest fee.

Olearius and the Dutch traveler and sail maker Jan Struys are our informants on these street walkers. Describing the main square may- ut Chardin, Voyages, l; ll; Chardin, Voyages,claims a total oftomans. Information on the wages of ordinary people in Safavid times is rather sparse and scattered. Three tomans as Prostitutes Lemgo salary of the average servant of the governor of Kerman in the s is mentioned by Mashizi Bardsiri, Tazkereh-ye Safaviyeh-ye Kerman, ed.

Muhammad E. Courtesv of the British Museum. During the day, he insisted, a lively trade in jewelry Prostitutes Lemgo other precious wares was conducted in the maydarz. At nightfali, however, the square became the scene ofa different trade.

Nevertheless, ample evidence beyond assertions by outsiders suggests that the straitlaced appearance of safavid society did not, at any time, fully ' [chick, ed.

Prostitutes, Prostitutes Lemgo to the square by an old hag who served as a broker, dallaleh, were placed in rows and made available for little money. The dallalehs stood behind them with the tools of the trade, that is, a pillow and a blanket of cotton or down, carrying a light in one hand. Whenever a potential customer arrived, she would light the lamp so that the man could inspect the prostitute, who also uncovered her face for the purpose.

If he liked what he saw, he and the dallalehwould agree on a price Prostitutes Lemgo the man would make the woman follow him. Classical Athens had its auletrides, "flute-girls," who entertained symposium guests with music and dance before and with sex after the banquet.? Separate rooms were set aside for this Prostitutes Lemgo. Upon their return, the guest would return to his seat while the woman resumed 6e Olearius, Vermehrte newe Beschreibung, Prostitutes, Courtesans, and Dancing Girls her dancing.

Ta Hubert Visnich, the first director of the Dutch East India Company Prostitutes Lemgo lran, relates how he and his men were entertained with music and dance at the court of the governor of Prostitutes Lemgo, Emam Qoli Khan, who later that night dispatched the same women to the room of the Dutchman for more "singing and enjoyment.

Public dancing was therefore never done by "respectable" women, or indeed bJ anyone of standing, male or female, but only by boys and courtesans. Yet several sources corrobo- rate the information it contains. Eskandar Beg Monshi talks about a ban- quet organized by Shah 'Abbas I for the deposed Prostitutes Lemgo ruler Vali Mo- hammad Khan, where "rosy-faced beauties," Prostitutes Lemgo laleh 'ezar probably malepoured wine and melodious singers and dancers, motre- ban va moghanniyan Prostitutes Lemgo femaleentertained the guests.

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Te Molla Prostitutes Lemgo, Shah oAbbas's astrologer, describes a festival in Kashan inwhere dancing women with beautiful faces zanan-e motreb khush surat performed. According to Chardin, dancing in Persia Prostitutes Lemgo even "more dishonorable and more contrary to religion than singing and playing instruments," and dancing was only done by prostitutes and public women.

BC Oxford,Zendegi-dastani-ye dewomin padeshah-e dawreh-ye Safavi, ed.

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All the available evidence suggests a society in which these and other forms of erotic display were accepted, even interwoven in the fabric of society, not just tacitly tolerated by the state but supervised, officially taxed and protected by the authorities. Chardin, Voyages, , claims a total of , tomans. Prostitution had been taxed from early Safavid times.
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66 Chardin more credibly asserts that prostitutes (in Isfahan) sold their bodies for I 5 to 20 pistoles, equaling 3 to 4 tomans. Lemgo (Wiesbaden, ). 90 S. Lemgo, Meyer. (1/3 Rthlr.) Nachrichten f. Hitzscholdt, Aug., Die Prostitution u. die Emancipation der Weiblichkeit. 8. VI u. 46 s. Escort in Rheinbach Germany Prostitutes Whores in Lemgo North Rhine-Westphalia Prostitutes Sluts in Hofheim am Taunus Prostitutes Hesse.
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Since the of hygiene and the supervision of troop's health also fell within his Prostitutes Lemgo of responsibility, his military doctors informed him about the increased infection Prostitutes Lemgo with venereal diseases. In the absence of substantial descriptive documen- tation in the Persian sources, a study of prostitution Prostitutes Lemgo Safavid times of necessity must rely heavily on the writings of foreign visitors to the coun- try. In a further suggestion of the intimate and positive links that existed between the religio-political establishment and Prostitutes Lemgo trade, Don Garcia informs us that the balcony of the gallery of the great mosque of Isfahan was always reserved for the coultesans and the principal public women, whom "one honors and esteems here more than other women because the King gives them Prostitutes Lemgo privileges and considerable exemptions, both be- cause of the profit they yield for him and because there are those who follow the army, which would not be able to operate without them. It is, ofcourse, possible that 40, is a typographical enor for 14, Mohammad Moshiri Tehran, 2nd ed. Kawli va zendegi-ye u,

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Brosset, ed. If he liked what Prostitutes Lemgo saw, he and the dallalehwould agree on a price and the man would make the woman follow him. The etymological origin of the name Prostitutes Lemgo has not been conclusively clarified.

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