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File:Lucas Cranach d.Ä. - Ungleiches Paar (Hessisches Landesmuseum).jpg

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Initially, Cuspinian showed great sympathy for the theological and political aims of the Reformation. Like many other humanists, however, he distanced himself Prostitutes Kronach the revolutionary movement after the Peasants' War and reaffirmed his allegiance to the Catholic Church. Johannes Cuspinian detail. Portrait of Anna Cuspinian detail Portrait of Anna Cuspinian detail Lucas Cranach, Cuspinian's equal in years, had entered his father's workshop and travelled through south Prostitutes Kronach before meeting with success in Vienna, where his work was particularly Prostitutes Kronach received in humanist circles.

The humanists Prostitutes Kronach him with access to the court, thus paving his way to the position of court painter in he went to Wittenberg to take up this office under Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony.

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Prostitutes Kronach composed these portraits as a pair. This is apparent in the continuity of the landscape behind the elegantly dressed couple. Prostitutes Kronach trees at the edges Prostitutes Kronach the painting, on the left and right of the figures, are placed so that their branches form an arch, imparting an air of grandeur to the sitters.

The background was evidently composed with a distinct purpose in mind: nothing here is Prostitutes Kronach. The landscape is full of erudite symbolism, probably devised by Cuspinian himself.

In a well-informed study on this double portrait, Dieter Koepplin has suggested that Cuspiman's frame of reference was Pico della Mirandola's "Poetica Theologica", and Marsilio Ficmo's doctrine of divine mysteries.

He concludes that the various images disguise hieroglyphic allusions to the cabbala. An example of Prostitutes Kronach is the artist's secretive mimmalisation of symbols, turning them into "occult" figures. At the left of the picture, for example, behind the tree, there is a minuscule figure with long, flowing hair, whom Koepplin has convincingly identified as Phoebus, or Apollo, since the figure Prostitutes Kronach given a lyre and bow, Prostitutes Kronach attributes of this antique god.

However, Apollo does not appear here as the god of light, but rather as the opposite: as a "chtonian-mantic" god Koepplinalmost a demon. The writhing snake on the ground is a reference to Asclepius, the god of medicine, who was a son of Apollo cf. Ovid, Metamorphoses 2, The detail alludes to Cuspinian's medical profession, as does the red beret on his head: "Medicus rubras fert corpore vestes" A doctor wears red clothing.

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Another figure, one so tiny as to be almost invisible, stands on a pinnacle of rock on the castle-topped mountain behind Cuspmian. Shown in an antique gesture of adoration, the figure prays to a star which Cranach has painted in real gold. The star is evidently supposed to represent the Epiphany in the teachings Prostitutes Kronach the early Christian hymnic Prostitutes Kronach Clemens Prudentius. Koepplin Prostitutes Kronach the figure as Orpheus, relating his position on the Prostitutes Kronach to the Platonic notion of "furor poeticus", and to the mountain-cult which often accompanied the veneration of stars.

The nine women washing, bathing and carrying water in the middle distance between Cuspmian and his wife, may be connected to Apollo, too. They appear to be the nine Muses, who were answerable, according to Greek myth, to their leader "Musagetes" Apollo.

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Their element is water, and a balance is evidently intended here to the fire Prostitutes Kronach Anna Cuspinian. Perhaps this polarity symbolises the distinction between the genders: according to Plutarch, fire was male and water female, a Prostitutes Kronach adopted by Ficino. This theme seems appropriate enough for a wedding painting.

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It is possible, however, that the fire alludes to the burning bush Exodus 3, 2which was used as a symbol for the Immaculate Conception during the late Middle Ages because it "burned with fire" but Prostitutes Kronach not consumed", just as Mary had remained a Prostitutes Kronach during motherhood.

The chastity of the Virgin remained an ethical precept for married women for many centuries.

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The motif of the parrot on the tree, given to Anna Cuspinian as an attribute, is consistent with this precept. The call of the bird was thought to be "Ave", the Angelic Salutation; since the Middle Ages it had therefore been considered as a Marian symbol, a sign of the innocence Prostitutes Kronach purity associated with Mary. What then is the significance of the other birds Prostitutes Kronach against the darkening sky? Behind Cuspinian there is an owl with prey in its talons being mobbed by a flock of birds; Prostitutes Kronach his wife on the right, an eagle and a swan on its back are locked in combat.

As a humanist emblem, the owl was highly ambivalent, sometimes referring to Prostitutes Kronach goddess Athena's or Minerva's wisdom, sometimes to its recalcitrant opposite: blind stupidity.

The Prostitutes Kronach of the struggle between swan Prostitutes Kronach eagle can be elucidated more clearly. It appears that Cuspinian and Cranach consulted Pliny X, here. Pliny had been impressed by the swan's courage, since it did not fear to do battle with an attacking eagle, and often emerged victorious from the fight. It is not unlikely that Cuspinian was using the motif of the flying bird - Prostitutes Kronach signifcant cipher in the "divinatory", or mantic, arts, in which the humanists liked to dabble after the example of the Classics - to denote the principles which he wished to govern his conduct: courage and wisdom, for example.

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It would be quite unsatisfactory merely to decipher the landscape background symbol by symbol without seeing its significance as a whole. Beyond a system of occult signs, the landscape allows a generous framework for the couple's understanding of themselves, providing a medium for the new cult of Prostitutes Kronach and awareness of nature which some humanists, notably Conrad Celtis, Joachim Camerarius and others, were propagating in literary form through the Classical topos of the pleasance, or pleasure-park.

Landscape acts as an echo-chamber for mental states, and, as such, represents a Prostitutes Kronach in which the individual, Prostitutes Kronach microcosm, finds his or her emotional world reflected.

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Perhaps this explains the posture of Cuspinian's head. Of course, his pose may be intended to show the humanist still pondering over a Prostitutes Kronach, which he now holds closed in front of him, his left hand - exposing Prostitutes Kronach ringed fingers - resting on its cover. However, his slightly raised head may indicate that he is listening. The listening motif may refer Prostitutes Kronach a piece of Neoplatonic writing by Marsilio Ficino which was especially popular in humanist circles: "It is through our ears that melodious harmonies and rhythms Prostitutes Kronach our souls, admonishing and inspiring us to lift our spirits forthwith, and, in the very depths of our being, to ponder on such divine music.

Portrait of Anna Cuspinian detail c. Portrait of Martin Luther Prostitutes Kronach Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg Whatever happens on pilgrimages other than whores and knaves from all over the place Prostitutes Kronach together for their fun?

And does the Pope do anything other than defile and prostitute himself? We want neither to go on pilgrimages nor to heed the words of Prostitutes Kronach Pope, but only to seek God in our hearts.

Martin Luther, "Table Talk", Trouble was brewing in Europe: abuse of authority, ostentation, debauchery and bribery. Or so some Christians viewed the state of affairs around They considered the Pope the devil incarnate and his Church a bastion of lust, stupidity, greed and corruption.

The sermons of the Dominican Prostitutes Kronach Tetzel were water on the critics' mill.

A prostitute waits for customers along a road of the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, August 28, REUTERS/Christian Hartmann. A prostitute waits for customers along a road of the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, August 28, REUTERS/Christian Hartmann.

In Tetzel proclaimed that the Pope had granted him such authority that he could grant absolution even to someone who confessed he had fathered the child of the Virgin Mary Prostitutes Kronach that is, if the sinner was to pay.

Prostitutes Kronach some time now pulpits had been resounding with sermons offering remission of sins for Prostitutes Kronach and a direct path to Heaven without a detour through Purgatory. The sermons preached by Johann Tetzel, however, were the ones that provoked Martin Luther, Prostitutes Kronach Augustine monk and professor of theology at Wittenberg.

In mounting a challenge, Luther said it was utter nonsense to think God could be bought. He held that the only thing one could do for one's salvation was to believe Prostitutes Kronach God and live accordingly. Luther was in a rage when he wrote out his "Ninety-Five Theses". He is said to have nailed them to the portal of Wittenberg Prostitutes Kronach Church on 31 October All that has been conclusively proved by historians, however, is that he sent his "Theses" to his bishop on the Saturday that marks the beginning of the Reformation.

Luther's Prostitutes Kronach was a theological debate; the authorities would have none of it. But thousands of copies of the "Theses" had been made and distributed, thanks to the new technology of printing, and a popular movement coalesced around them. It was too late for the ancient Church: the Reformation became a revolution, scourging pilgrimages and liturgical practises as "senseless foolery".

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Led by Luther's rhetoric which was sometimes Prostitutes Kronach and religious, sometimes violent and vulgar, the Reformers went quickly from demanding the abolition of priestly celibacy to a thorough re-casting of the Church. And the Prostitutes Kronach assumed a political and social dimension, propagated under the slogan: "freedom of Christian people".

Together with the Humanist movement, the Reformation effected cultural change on a hitherto unprecedented scale. Luther had a broad following: he was joined by merchants, peasants, craftsmen and princes. Supported by the princes, Luther was able to stand up to the Pope and the Emperor.

At the Prostitutes Kronach Court, Cranach became a personal friend of the Reformer. It portrays Luther in his office as preacher there.

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In much of northern Europe, the ancient Church was no match for Luther's movement. Prostitutes Kronach the Schism with Rome had taken place, Protestantism was ready to grow into a world-wide movement. General view of the altar predella in St Mary's Church, Wittenberg.

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Venus Standing in a Landscape Oil on wood, x cm Musee du Louvre, Paris The seductive nudes of Cranach Lucas Cranach the Elderborn one year after Durer, is as Prostitutes Kronach as Durer but without his spiritual concentration. From an early stage in his career, Cranach was able to obtain copies of Duurer's woodcut prints, and his familiarity with these was to have lasting influence on his painting, with its sharp definition and brilliant color.

Cranach was almost two painters in one - artistically schizophrenic, as it Prostitutes Kronach. His most popular works are the decidedly seductive nudes Prostitutes Kronach which he delighted his aristocratic patrons. These coy creatures have the rare distinction of fitting in with modern tastes, being slender, free-spirited, and even kinky.

They have a sort of refined sexuality, but it is also cold and teasing: we are tempted to think that Prostitutes Kronach did not really care for women and may even have feared them. His Nymph of the Spring has hung up her hunting arrows, but the presence of a pair of partridges birds of Venus suggests that it is the human heart that she hunts.

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In spring he arrived in Wittenberg, a university town on the Elbe River and seat of the electors, where he remained for 45 years, untilas court painter. In a well-informed study on this double portrait, Dieter Prostitutes Kronach has suggested that Cuspiman's frame of reference was Pico della Mirandola's "Poetica Theologica", and Marsilio Ficmo's doctrine of divine click. The background was evidently composed with a distinct purpose in mind: nothing here is arbitrary. Some victims are hidden behind Prostitutes San Prostitutes Kronach doors in brothels Prostitutes Kronach factories. Paintings Cranach did not sign his works with his full name. Prostitutes Kronach collections: Lucas Cranach the Elder. Lucas Cranach the Elder Dr.

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