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Swedish-born photographer Christer Strömholm shot these absolutely stunning black and white photographs of Parisian prostitutes (some female, some transsexuals) in Pigalle, starting from the earlys into the lates. I just can’t get over how beautiful all of these images are. These photos, plus many more are in the book Amies De Place Blanche by Christer Strömholm. Though the prostitution is illegal is the country with strict punishments but the sex trade doesn’t seem to bring down as approximately to 1, 00, women are prostitutes there. 9. Cambodia. Regardless of stringent laws and punishments for prostitution, Cambodia remains a favorite sex destination where sex workers are available the most.

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Local time Europe/Berlin

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Population 49

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Gronau, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Latitude:, Longitude: 461.291713870
