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Evansville Journal, Volume 21,Evansville, Vanderburgh County, 15 August 1870 — Page 1

Republican papers of the Flrt District, will please copy. That we re-afllnu that "of all who were Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson in the trials of the late war, there are none entitled lo more especial honor than the braveso. His death may be announced at any moment.

His second son was Herod the Great. Among his pupils was the orator L. Licinius Crassus, whose friendship, and that of the celebrated Caius Gracchus, he enjoyed. Only a few fragments of his works have been preserved, but that he was held in high repute as an historian, as well as an eloquent pleader, is obvious from references made to him by Valerius Maximus and the historian Livy. In addition to his writings on the controversy between the stoics and academics, he Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson works on divination, on dreams, on superstition, on the Deity, and on ethical subjects.

His acuteness has been extolled by Cicero. He died at Athens about 46 b. After Herod had divorced Doris and married the beautiful Mariamne, 38 b. Antipater is Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson by Josephus as Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson mystery of wickedness. The name of three different poets, some Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson whose writings are extant in the Greek Anthology.

The most ancient of these is Antipater of Macedonia, a contemporary of Philip V. The second was Antipater of Sidon, who lived about b. The Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson was Antipater of Thessalonica, who flourished during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius. The name of several ancient Greek writers, who flourished at different periods. He was the rival of Apelles another Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson at the court of Ptolemy Philopatorwhom he falsely accused of a conspiracy.

For this calumny he was sentenced to become the slave of Apelles. His productions were noted for striking and unusual effects. From a burlesque Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson by this artist of a certain Grillos, this name was henceforth given to all sorts of caricatures. A number of epigrams written by him are still extant.

The name of several persons, more or less celebrated Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson ancient history. The most noted of these was. Antiphonthe son of Sophilus the orator, who was born at Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson about b. He is called the eldest of the ten Attic orators, and seems to have been the first who composed speeches to be delivered in courts of justice.

He attained a high reputation for his judicial learning, and in his school of rhetoric at Athens, had among his pupils the historian Thucydides, who speaks in Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson of high commendation of his virtue, his wisdom, and his eloquence.

Antiphon took a very active part in the political Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson of Greece. The chief event of his life was the overthrow of the Athenian democratic constitution, and the establishment of the Council of the Four Hundred, a revolution which Thucydides attributes entirely to him.

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The revolution, however, proved Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson to Antiphon. Mti gained the advantage, but lost heavily. Gravelotto is a small viiligc Bix miles southwest of Metz. Io consequence of the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson of the Concordat the Papal Nuncia, has been recalled.

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The BrazilHan government has made extensive contracts for" the importation of coolies for ten years. ISpeolal to the Herald. J London, August Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson The French army of the Rhine has received the coupe de grace near Metx, and is now in a disastrous retreat towards Verdun, in a shattered condition.

The soldiers individually, are desperate at the incompetency of Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson generals. The Emperor is yet believed to be the actual commander of the army. Saarbrcce, August Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, via Berlin.

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K ng William has appointed Geo. Bjhlen Governor General of Alsace. A dispatch fiom Carlsruhe, the headquarters of the Baden Army, dated Augu3"t 14tu, says that the people and garrison of Strasbourg bave labored with zeal to arm the ramparts, and clear the glacis, and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson the entrances, but the bseigers have destroyed much of their work.

Oa Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson 13th three slight conflicts took place. A detachment of Baden troops set fire to a railway train while it was standing in the station, and one of their batteries approached within three hundred paces of the fortress and fired on the ramparts. The Baden troops lost three killed and seventeen wounded. The steamer Sentinel, - belonging to the Tyne Steamship Company, has arrived in the Tyne with a general cargo from German ports.

This is the tenth trip Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson by steamers cf that company since war was declared. The Sentinel, on Saturday, passed the French fleet, who are blockading the Elbe, without molestation. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, however, dipped the British ensign to which the French fleet replied by hoisting and dipping the French ensign. The French blockading squadron consists of ten large iron Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, nine of which are anchored in Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson row southwest ot Heligoland; and one of them, a paddle-wheel steamer, is cruising in Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson roadstead.

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The news of their approach wa3 taken to Hamburg on Friday afternoon by a Norwegian vessel. The Hamburg authorities at once ordered a lighter with torpedoes, which had been lying in readiness, to go down the river to Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Haven and await orders.

They also dispatched two Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson steamers, Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Aux Haven and Heligoland, to the mouth of the Elbe to reconnoitre. The Sentinel Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson these vessels on Saturday morning, south of Heligoland, steaming aa fast as possible for Hamburg, with the news that the French ships were close to the Island, and that a real blockade waa effected.

As the Sentinel passed the fleet, a French cruiser was overhauling a screw coiiier bound inward. Great activity was apparent on the decks of the ironclads, but it could not be discovered whether the moving figures were soldiers or sailors. At a meeting ot the Tyne shm in surance societies, yesterday, a formal resolution was adopted not to insure vessels bound to ports nader blockade, or the approach to which has been rendered dangerous bv the remo val of the beacon lights and buoys.

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Tribune Special. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson to vesfervav. It was issued as a five per cent. The prospect of such redemption under present circumstances being Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson vary little, the investment might b. When brought into market to such an extent, every single sub scriber has subscribed from patri otio motives. Then follow towns with two and three thousands and one million, and provincial eities of less than 10, inhabitants, about ten thalers per head.

Mo3t of the subscriptions are ot one hundred thalers only, and in very many cases they are Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson once presented to charitable institutions, or destined for Orphans which ilia war will prod ice. As yet there is no prospect of Prussia" imitating the example of Franco and stopping the conversion of the notes of the Bank cf Prussia.

The prices of provisions, especially corn, are goin? As yet, the magnificent harv? The reported subscription of 80, at Hamburg was mistaken for 8, The town and camp present a scene of riotous disorders and dissipation; the soldiers are shouting and drinking; the cafe and streets are filled with prostitutes, and there is no restraint ot order or decency among the officers or soldiers.

If another battle is lost it will be a massacre. Our special writes from Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson on Sunday: "The train by which I attempted to go to Metz found the line cut at Pont a-Mousson, and returned with the Fourteenth Regiment, which was ordered to Me!. Chalons is not a defensible position against superior forces, it being simply an immense level plain.

The camp is not entrenched, and there are no works in construction, Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson officers permanently commanding: but whoever among theGnerals pass ing through happacs to be senior in rank, is commander while he stays.

Six or seven trains were Blurted from Chalons for Metz in rapid succession, carrying about 7, soldiers, comprising three in fantry regiments and some artillery. Near Pont a-Mousson. The trains finally got away without much loss. Dispatches received to-day at the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson embassy, in London, confirm the Prussian success on Sunday, already reported, but do not throw niuah light on the subsequent events. No telegrams bave been received in London, up to midnight, Wednesday, that clearly explain the movements of the last three Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson.

The 1 rench accounts arc extremely Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, but indicate that the dtvidicg councils and changing plans have constantly embarrassed and endangered the French retreat. Uur dispatches trom Uhaions, al ready telegraphed you, proves that tho troops were pushed forward from Chalons toward Metz, down to Satur day Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, when Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson trains were stopped and fired on at Pont-a-Mousson.

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On Sunday the Prusiaos found the French still in great force under the wall of Metz. Sioco Sunday no considerable battle is known to have been fought aoy where. In the absence of Prussian telegrams. In such circumstances no general or de cisive engagement should be fought, unless the Prussians had moved rappidly enough to cut off the French retreat. They seem to have crossed the Moselle both Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson and below Metz, Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson forces remrining at the same time before Metz, and there is no known Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson for Palikao's sta'enaent in the Corp3 Legislatif, that the Prus Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson attempt to cut on iiazaine had failed, for there is no evidence that it had been made in such force as to compel Bazaine to choose between abandoning the direct line to Chalons and fighting a battle.

Ônibus de Pont-à-Mousson para Moliets-et-Maa: Encontre horários, compare preços e reserve passagens. Prostitutes Pont A Mousson, Maine Escort Guide, Dangers Of Dating Sugar Daddies, Bars And Clubs For Singles In Teesside.

The latest ao counts place him at Elaine, but the French appear to have no in formation as to the disposition or the strength Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson columns threatening his march. If it Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson true, as the French give out, that Metz is held by a mere garrison, it may be many days before a battle can be forced by the Prussians or accepted by the French at any point west of Metz; m the meantime, mere lsiixeiy to be. The Uerman neet at aux xiaven and Wilhelms Haven put to sea, and cannonading has since been heard.

The French delays are unaccountaable. They might have taken Aux Haven, completely commanding the entrance to the Elbe, but it is now well fortified. The Elbe is Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson being blockaded, and vessels arrive daily. A merchant vessel in attempting to enter Wilhelms Haven, was sunk by a torpedo. Washington Items. Washington, August The Secretary of the Navy, at the request of a number of American citizens residing in.

North Germany, ordered Admiral Gleason to send a vessel of war up the El bo Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Weser, to afford them protection, in case it is required. A neutrality proclamation has been prepned and submitted to the President fur consideration.

Official information has been re ceived that the rench Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson had not ordered the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson removal. About were required to leave, for a violation of the privilege of domicile by Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson friendly demonstrations sgaicst the French.

Omaha Items. Omaha, August The Omaha, Otoes. A meeting of the agents of these tribes will Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson held in this city on next Saturday. Seward went West to day. The widow of Col.

Chenowcrth passed East to-day. The Butes deny that they burned the Agency of Whitestone intentionally, but say it was accidental. Their rations have been stopped. One hundred lodges of Red Goal's band arrived at Whitestone last week.

Portsmouth, N. The funeral of Admiral Famgut, today, was attended by a lareer con course of people than ever before assembled io this State on a similar oc casion. The cortege left the navy yard atescorted by the Marine Corps of the station and a Charles-town-detatchment of the United States troops, and was brought to this city by the United States steamer Speedwell. His remains was enclosed in an elegant metaliio coffin. Chief Engineer Moore.

Six Quartiers de Paris.

The procession was nearly a mile lonz. Publio buildings, most Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson of business and many private residences were draped in mourniog; bell were tolled; minute guns were fired, and business was suspended.

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A dense crowd Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson the streets along the route. John's EpiscoEal Church, in which the service was eld, was appropriately draped. The religious exercises were conducted Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Rev. Clark, resident minister, asei3tcd by Rev. Montgomery, of New York, the Admiral's pator.

Evansville Journal, Volume 21,Evansville, Vanderburgh County, 18 August 1870 — Page 1

The remains subsequently, with religious and Blasonio rites, were placed in the tomb near the church; a volley was fired by the military es cort, and tho immense concourse of people who had assembled left the eceao. French Account of the Late Battles. New York, Aug. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson telegraphs to a Frenoh paper here from Paris that two battle have been fought between Metz and Verdun, in which the Prussians were severely checked.

This reverse of the Prussians will give Gen. Trocbu timo to organize the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson army being formed at Chalons, whioh already Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson men.

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Part of the Infantrie de la Garde Imperiile havo arrived at Mourmelon. The correspondence, representing a very great demoralization prevails in the corps of McMahon Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Fsilly, is not true.

There is, however, much discontent boldly expressed by the men at their leaders, in allowing Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Cnemy to concentrate io overwhelming Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson and bear down npon them Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson exposed points, as at Woerth. Agitations, however, continue io Lyons, which are set on foot by revolutionary bands. The army is in excellent spirits since the battle before Metz, from which the country is recovering confidence.

Edmuod About Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson now sick at the fortress of Pialzburg, which, though within the enemy's lines, is held by a French garrison. Ausrust Advioes from Mexico of the 11th eay the wife of Juarez is dying. Ihe Uoverment is bankrupt. Romero will nrobablv be Minister to Washington, and Maviscal will succeed him in the Cabinet. Strong opposition is forming to the TeLuantepeo concession. Codena s brother and some other revolntionists have been executed.

Dissolution Notice. Rosencrens and harry "milh baa this day b-en diwolved by limitation. All persona a no wink item selves indebted to lbs firm, or having Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson.

Le trajet en voiture en départ de Lolme située dans le département de la Dordogne et Norroy-lès-Pont-à-Mousson dans le département de la Meurthe-et-Moselle se fait en 9 heures 18 distance à parcourir est calculée à kilomè trajet est effectué principalement via La Transeuropéenne et Autoroute de Lorraine-Bourgogne. Prostitutes Pont A Mousson, Maine Escort Guide, Dangers Of Dating Sugar Daddies, Bars And Clubs For Singles In Teesside.

Jewelry Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Clocks there lor re pairs, will please e til at onoe. Johnson's Real Estate and Patent Agency. PatET9 of all kinds procured. Jantf ly Notic3 cf Election of Assignee in th8 uase oi timon uruner, Banirnpt.

All persona InutDieu to tne estate will seme witn me. Vernon, Ind. The Ecpabllcaa State Platform. We congratulate the country on the restoration of In w and order in the lale rebellious Htales. Tf, rerence the Constitution of iuouuiwuBiit,uin8 euprerae law of the land, and a wUe embodiment of the principles of free Government, and following its teachings we will aiopt from time to time, tnett amendments as are necesxary more completely to eatubllab.

Justice, lov;re domestic tranquility, and secure the te-strgs cf liberty to out selves anc. That we rejoice at tbe Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson of Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Fifteenth Amendment, which forever secures an equality of political rights to Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson men.

That the National Lebt, created in the defense and preservation f the Union, however great the burden, must be erieerfuily borne nntil honorably and honextiy extinguished in accordance with tbe letter and spirit of t he several laws autnorlzin tbe debt, and that all Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson at repudiation of principal or Interest sheuld meet tbe seorn and dennncialion of any honest and patriotic people.

That we demand, in rverv denart man of the Government, from the Highest to the lowest, the strictest economy In all expeoditures, cnnn! That a red no ion of taxation! That we are in lavor of a. That we re-afllnu that "of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there are none entitled lo more especial honor than the braveso.

That we approve tne general conrse of our Henator and Ke pub! That we endorse the administration of General Grant as PreNldent of I be Uni ted htstes; accept i he iicrt-ased collections of revenue, the redaction of expenditureand payment of a large portion of the publie deot as a fulfillment ol Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson promise of economy, and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson that tbe vlctoilous General ol ltr U lou ami leu should, as a civil ufflcer, recetve the last of tne rebel Ulates In its return to tne national family.

Inasmu n a an ctepubilctta Governments depend for their stability and perpetuity, ou the intelligence and vlrtne of the people, it is tbe ritht arid duty ot the Blateaud Ntttlonalautborltientoesiabll Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, fo ter aud e-ure ttie blktbxst moral an Intellectual development oi the people.

That taxation for county and other local purpo es nas become so great as to be oppreaMve Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson tne people; that our nvnera ol couo'y ndtnlnlNiratloii needs reform, and we demsn i of our representatives in the LelHialure such chuunea In tlinmai. That the e-irmi stocks. Issued nnder the leglHlatlon of 18H andcommonly called the" Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Bill," Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, oy the terms Of tbe contract.

Charged exclusively upon the WahaHb. That the Constitution of this bt ale ought to be amended at the earliest pracllc bl-t period, so as to prohibit Ihe taking effect of any law or actso tbe General A88mr. That we heartily endome the administration or our Hlate a ff. The Lands now offered by this Company are situated mainly within twenty miles on each side Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson tbe road, extending one hundred and seventy miles along the N itUO V LLEY tne richest, finest, and most inviuiig vaney ior settlement in the West.

One-third of tbe labor reqntred at tbe East In the culture of arms will lni-ure here double the amount ol crops. Kor orchards, grape culture, and small frol sin general, it it nnequaled.

The rich native grasses of tbe prairies and bottoms, with the large aiea of unoccupied lands, in connection witn Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson dry. In such a coantry. These, indeed, are Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson its chief excellencies, and are recommendations for settlement. Krom 82 to 88 per acre; credit of t-n If' years' time. One-tenth down, at time of purchate.

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The following official dispatch has been made public: "Metz, August 17, 3 P. Johns Church, Portsmouth, N.
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On Sunday the Prusiaos found the French still in great force under the wall of Metz. JUolden, or jNortn Carolina, being brnugnt to trial, when a fair investigation will De naa. The Kingdom of the Pearl. By agreement with the Cabinet of Florence, we have taken up our position again on the basis of the Convention of tbe 15th Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson September, and a solution of the question has been Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson to our common satisfaction and without raising any difficulty; thus, neither at London, nor at St. The standard regulation attalnei by this unrivaled and Infallible Yeast Powder during twelve years pant, Is Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Prostitutes Bonny its perleci purity, heallhfulnesi, and economy.

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Pont-a-Mousson, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, France Latitude:, Longitude: 154.298630670

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They were attacked and driven off, and their commander taken prisoner. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson was recalled to Athens, and Antiphon was brought to trial for high treason, condemned and executed b.

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